Connor X Reader

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"(Y/ N), come back here!" Connor yells at me. I rub my stinging face, and I scoff.

"Why? So you can yell at me for no apparent reason!" I yell at him back. I walk away from him, but he pulls on my arm to bring me closer to him. I start to punch his chest, but Connor grabs my hands so that I would stop punching him. I glare at him.

"Now will you stop punching me?" Connor asks me. I reluctantly nod. Once he lets me go I run out of Davenport Homestead, and I run into the forrest. I find a tree and I climb up it. I climb high enough where no one could hear me cry.

My (E/C) eyes fill with tears. I cry because of how Connor treats me. I cry for the fact that he yells at me even though I didn't do anything wrong.

Before our argument, Connor and Achilles were fighting about something. But then he barges in the library, where I was just reading and he starts yelling at me for no reason. Then I started yelling at him for yelling at me. Our argument escalated to where he slapped me across the face. He didn't even apologize.

I rub my still stinging face, and I cry some more. Connor always says he loves me. But what if he never did? What if I'm just a toy he loves one minute, but then throws away the next?

I grab a hold of my (H/L) (H/C) hair. Then I hear someone calling my name.

"(Y/ N)! Please come out! I'm so sorry that I hurt you! I'm sorry for hitting you!" Connor yells for me. I scoff. Yeah right I've this speech before, well the only thing different is the fact that he did hit me, but he never done that before. Should I forgive him for at least that?

I cry more with the tough decision. Should I forgive him or not? I turn around in the tree, then I feel my shoe falling off. It hits Connor's head, I feel like I stopped breathing.

"What the...." Connor says and then he looks up and I think he sees me, because he starts climbing up the tree. I look away and I bring my knees to my chest. I cry a little more. Then I feel Connor touching my shoulder. I move my shoulder away from him, "look (Y/N) I am sorry beyond reason, you have to knows that I ........"

"Yeah I heard this before, you saying your sorry then you do the same thing again Connor!" I interior him and yell at him, "the only thing at is different is that this time you hit me," I look at Connor. Connor puts a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry, I regret ever doing that to you, I won't ever do that again, I will never yell at you without reason again, I will never hurt you again," Connor says, "Just give me one more chance please!"

I look at him and he looks like he actually means it this time. I look away.

"One more chance, if this happens again, I will be leaving," I warn him and he knows that I mean it. Connor takes my hand and he kisses it. He leans in and he starts to kiss my red cheek, then he kisses my jawline, and then my lips.

I feel a tear or two come down my cheeks. Connor wipes them away with his thumb. I weakly smile. It starts to get dark outside.

"Lets get you out of this tree," Connor says.

"Lets," I say. We walk out of the forrest hand in hand. Then I let go of his hand, and I give him a smirk. I run towards the manor, Connor chases after me. I run inside the manor laughing and I run up the stairs into our room. I close the door into our room and I stand in front of the door and I wait for him to open it.

Connor opens the door and I smirk. I jump in his arms and I wrap my legs around his waist, and I kiss him roughly on the lips. Connor moans a little and he closes the bed room door. Lets just say that we had a lot of fun that night.

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