Your Worth So Much More Than You Think

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Harry ~age 17~

Restless nights and long days with work and snobby girl is all I deal with these days. Let's just say that I'm depressed and I'm just done with life. I'm currently in my room looking at the ceiling. It's seems to me that if uvdied no one would care. I get and talk to Harry about it he just says that i should grow up and stop being a bitch about it. I don't bother by talking to mum,dad,not Gemma because I don't want them to stress. So I get to keep to my self. I continued to look at the ceiling when I hear the front door closed. I slowly got out of my bed and walked down stairs to see Harry at the bottom. "Harry can I talk to you please?" I asked as he walked into the kitchen. I'm response he rolls his eyes. "Harry I'm depressed, I can't eat, I can't sleep, I get hat-" I couldn't finish my sister because Harry yelled at me. "You stupid bitch could you just go off and died no one could careless,mum should have just have you up for adoption when I asked her to!" He yelled in my face. "Do you really mean that?" I asked with tears threating to spill. "Yes I mean every word that fell from my lips." He said with a smirk. I just nod and slowly walked back up to my room. I want to my bathroom and into my medicine cabnet and got the pain killers. Before I take them I'll write a letter.

        Dear Family,
Everday gets harder for me.
life is like a living hell and to know that I'm unwanted makes it worst. So I say to my dearest parents thank you for always being there for me and showing me the way of life and I thank you guys for always showing me love even if you didn't mean it. To my amazing sister Gemma thanks for always being there for when I'm down an get me through with a normal teenage girl life,I love you sissy. And to Harry you hit me when i was down but I still love you for that. When I'm gone I'll  miss you the most. Thank you for being the best big brother Harry. i love you guys. ~Sincerely Y/N Styles~

Once I was done I put the paper where someone could see it ,then I took the pills. I heard Harry calling my but I say there on the floor on my phone then everything went black.

Harry p.o.v

I felt bad for yelling at Y/N so I called her down so I can apologize to her. I called her name but I don't get an answer so i walked up her room to see her laying on the floor looking pale with a note beside her. I picked it up and read it. I can't believe it. I  quickly call for some help and then all of the family then I rushed to the hospital to wait for any responses. What the hell have I done.

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