Gender and surprises

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Harry ~age 20~

Monica POV

    When my family found out I am pregnant they thought that I should  have waited,but they are still happy about having another small child doing to the fact that all of my relatives and siblings are either in school or working half way across the world. "Hey love, I'm off to work, but I'll be back in time for the appointment." James my now fiance said coming over the kiss my forehead. "Alright I'll see you then love you." I said while going thought Netflix to find a move to kill some time.

  Once James left, I finale decided on a move to watch. I grabbed so snakes from the fridge then walked back into the living room where I laid on the couch with my fluffy pillow and blank and watched Moana.  Yeah I know Moana of all movies on Netflix, but I really love this movie.

After hours of waiting and watching Netflix, it was finally time for me to get ready for my appointment. I took a shower then did my hair,  makeup  and put on my clothes. I slid on my shoes then walked out the door abd drove to hospital for my check up.

Nick POV

   "Sargent Tanner, here is your mail."  "Thanks Major." I said getting the small box from him. I sat the box on my desk and opened the little note that was attached. 'Hey honey , I have amazing news, but in order for you to open the box,but first call me. Love Y/N.'  I fold the note neatly and put it jn my pocket.

   I went to my computer and open the skype app and called Y/N. She answered after the second ring. "Hey love, I miss you so much." said Y/N in to the camera. "Hey,I miss you too, so what is the surprise for me?" I asked.  "Now you can open the box."  I nodded my head.

I tore the tape that had it close together. I pulled out a small pear of socks, a nappy, and a small baby in the ultrasound. "We're having a baby. When?" "Yes in about early or late May." said Y/N smiling. "I can't believe I'm going to be a dad. I can't wait to get home and see you both." "Speaking of home when are you coming back?" Question Y/N. "Soon love I promise." I smile a can't wait to see them.


  I chat wait until Nick gets home. I waitrd to tell Nick what the gender of our baby is going to be because I wanted to tell him in person. "Bye love you too, see you soon." he said waving into the camera with a huge grin. "So was Nick surprise?" Asked Hazza. "Yes, he making plans to come home early." I said. "Does he know, about the gender yet?" "No not yet, but I'm telling when he gets home." "OK, are you hungry?" "Yes." "What do you want to eat?" He asked. "I'm can we get pizza and do we have any ranch?" "I figued you would say pizza and ranch so I went out early to get ranch. I'll go order the pizza." He said before kissing my forehead and calling the pizza place.

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