Secretly Famous Pt2

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Harry ~age 22~

Harry POV

For the past two days I have been doing research on Y/N and turns out that she dropped out of college. Now that we are back home I have visited some of the company's she as model for including Gucci. I haven't talked to her about it yet, but I will soon. "Harry I'm going to school for a couple of hours." She said. I just nodded. I waited until she walked out of the house to put on my shoes and walk out the door and follow her to "school".


I hat lying to Harry, but I k ow I had to in order for him not to know where I am actually going. I really have a meeting with management for my up coming album then afterwards a recording session for a single with Zedd. I walked into the studio to see everyone there thats on my team.  After the meeting I went into the studio to record my new song 'Capture me'. After several hours of recording I walked out of the studio a sat at the sound board with Zedd to listen to the play back. "That's really go." I turned around to see Harry standing in the door way. "Umm...Harry what are you doing hear?" I asked completely shocked. "Well I followed you hear after founding out that you are a famous singer,song writer,and model by E! News." He said. "Harry can. we talk about this at home?" I asked. "Yeah sure." Was all he said before walking out of the studio and back home. After Zedd finished adding the beat and  the song is ready for the world to hear I head home ready to talk with Harry.

Harry POV

Y/N just walked through the door. "Bow are you ready to explain why you lied to me about everything?" I asked as she sat across from me. "Well the reason why I didn't won't the world to know me as your sister is because I didnt won't be known for your fame,but for mine. So I got a record deal sing and writing song for singers like Meghan Trainer, Tori Kelly, even Niall. I dropped out of school because of all of my appearances. Please don't be mad at me." She said.  "I'm mad because you lied to me, but I'm proud of you for following your dreams, but there is one thing we both have to clear up." I said. "What is that?" Y/N asked. "The world thinks that we are dating so we have tell them that we are siblings." I said. "I have an perfect idea, I have to preform Capture me at an  interview in two weeks at the Graham Norton show." I said.

  Two weeks later


Its time for my interview and how I'm nervous as hell. "Its time Y/N." My manager said. I walked out of my dressing room and back stage. "Now please welcome the beautiful Y/N Y/M/N." Graham said. And I walked out on to stage and waved as the crowd clapped and cheered. "Nice to see you Y/N." "Nice to see you too, thanks for having me." I said. "So so picture surface of you on a date with Harry Styles. How is the relationship going?" He asked. "Actually there is no relationship." I said shaking my head. "What and why not?" Graham asked. "Dont you think it would be a bit weird to date your brother." I said smiling. "What his your brother!?." Graham said. "Yes he is." I said as a picture of us pop up on the TV behind him. "Well world there you have it Harry Styles as a younger sister. Come back after the break Y/N well before her hit song Capture Me."

After the break *this is a song I actually wrote*

So hold me close let me overdose to the beat that just captured me. Don't let me down don't let me put of the beat that  captured me.

So let the music over play we  don't have no other place to be close and let the beat just capture me.

                    End of song

"There you have it folks Capture me is on iTunes and Play Store today go and purchase it." Graham said. "I'm so proud of you sis." Harry said hugging me. "Thank you so much for being here." I said before the camera flashed in our little moment.

" I said before the camera flashed in our little moment

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Interview out fit.

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