Runaway Love Part 3

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Harry ~age 18~

Harry POV

  Y/N hasn't been home in forever. Her birthday is today. We got in touch with one if her friends that has been keeping in touch with her every since she left. "Just got off the phone with Khloè she said that they are on their way to the laser room." Gemma said walking into the living room where Mum, the lads and I sat. "Okay I guess we should get going." Mum said grabbing her purse.  We got in our cars an drove to the place where Y/N party will be held. I can't wait to see the look in her face. We pulled into the place where Khloè planned for it to be. Here goes nothing. We walked inside and wait from them to join us.

Khloè POV

    I waited patiently for Y/N to get ready I woke her up at 7am just to tell her happy birthday. "I'm ready let's go." She said walking outside and to my car. We drove to downtown L.A. to Ultrazone Laser Tag. "Khloè, we're going to do laser tag?" "Yep." I said popping the p. "Wish you would have told Me would have wore sneakers." She said laughing. "Well, good thing I brought these." I said grabbing her Adidas from the back seat. "I love you so much." She said hugging me. I gave her the shoes, she took off her pumps and slid on her Adidas. Once she had them on we walked inside of the building I hope this goes as planned.


  "Where to first?" I questioned looking at the map of the building. "We have to do the laser rag team first." Khloè said and we walked over to the team laser room. "Hi, how many will be playing on your team?" The girl asked. "Just t-" I started, but was I was cut of by Khloè. "Umm, there will be 10 of us." Koko said. "What do you mean by 10?" I question a little confused because  she had told me that the rest of our friends would be busy. "She means us silly." I turned around to see Liza,Asia,Niall, Louis,Liam and the people I never thought I'll see again. "Umm, Khlo can I talk to you over here for a sec? Excuse us." I said literally drag Khloè by her arm. "What are they doing here?" I asked. "I invited then they are your family and you need to see them, I know you miss them I can she it in your eyes when every we go around my family, so stop being so stubborn and get over there and hug them." She said pushing me in front of her. We walked back over they gave me a soft smile. "Come on guys we have to pick teams." Khloè said and everyone followed. "Mum, Gemma, and Harry wait. We need to talk." I said playing with my hands.

Harry POV

    While she wasn't surprised when she seen us, I was hurt when she pulled Khloè to the side and asked her   what were we doing here. I read her lips as the words feel out everyone of them hitting me like a bullet to the chest.  When she asked Mum,Gemma, and I stat back a talk it really surpried my that she was willing to talk to us after all the things that we said about her. "We are so sorry love we never met anything we said about you."  Mum said before Y/N could even say anything.  "I know Mum, I was just so hurt that you guys would say something like that about that I left. I ignored every call or text I would get from you guys, and when i seen guys in public I would hide. I'm so so sorry that I made your life a living hell." She said on the verge of tears. "Hey you dont make our life a living hell, you make it ten times better." Gemma said hugging her. "And we hope that you can fined in your heart to forgive us? Now please don't cry." I said. "I forgive you, I love you guys so much." She said hugging us at the same time. Our little group hug turn into a huge one when all of our family joined in. We all let go when we hear Y/N sniffling. "Why are you crying?' Mum asked. "This the best birthday ever,now let's go play some laser tag ." She said wiping away her tears. I missed her some much and I know dad is so proud of her right now.

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