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Harry ~age 22~


The busy streets of LA, how I hate it. I walked along the crowded street trying to go to the Mac store for some new make up supplies. I would have stayed at the hotel, but as usual Harry forced me to go out. I rounded the corner of the Mac building to bump into someone. "I'm so sorry." "Zayn?" I said completely ignoring his apology. "Yes?" "Its me Y/N I haven't seen you in forever." I said as he looked closely at me. "Wow, you really have changed a lot since I last time we met up. What brings you to LA?" "Harry is on tour and he forced me to go out." I said shaking my head. "How is he?" "He been doing good. He back at the arena if you want to see him." I said hoping he would except my invite.

"Sure I'm mean I have all the time in the world." He said with a smile. "Great." I said turning around and walking back in the direction of my car that I have to park a couple of blocks back. Am glad that Z excepted my invite, it been awhile since I last seen him. I smiled back at him as the sun light up his face making his brown eyes seem lighter. "What?" "Nothing." I said shaking my head.

See a couple of months after the boys became a band and I had met all of them when Haz brought them home. Zayn and I got extremely close. He eventually asked me to be his girlfriend and I yes. I mean why wouldn't a couple of years into the relationship we broke up. He moved on to someone new and I never did. I guess you can say I still had feelings for him. We finally made it to my sliver Benz Mercedes, got in and began to drove.

"So how have you been Y/N?" "I've been good. And you?" "I have been great making music always in the studio the time i have been out of the studio in weeks. "That's great good luck on that." I said with my eyes still focused on the road head of us. The silence in the car was awkward.  I was thankful that Liz called when she did. I pressed the radio screen to answer the phone. "Where are you?" Liz question. "I'm on my way to the arena.'' I said turning down the long narrow road. "Okay, hurry because have to be on stage to practice in 2 minutes." "Alright, I'm pulling into the parkway on." I said hanging up the phone an turning off the car. "You still playing  bass guitar?" asked Zayn as we both  got out of the car. "Yes." I simply answered as we walked through the double doors of the huge arena. "For Harry?"  "No, I'm his back up singer.'' 

I said turning the corner to see Harry waiting for my by the door with his arms across his chest. "I told you to be here at 1 and here you are 2 hours late. "Well if you wouldn't have told me to 'Go out have a little fun' I would have been here earlier." I said mocking him and he rolled his eyes.

"Pulse i brought someone back and i think you guys need to have a talk." I said as he looked behind me to see Z. "So this is what took you so long?" question Harry.  "Yes, and you too will indeed talk after we come from the warm-ups." I said walking to the stage to join the rest of the band.

Harry pov

I watched as she walked away. There was a reason that she took so long. Zayn. I smiled at him and gave him a long bro hug. ''Long time no see.'' I said pulling out of the hug. ''Yeah,sorry i haven't been calling and that I came for you and the lads in all of my interviews.'' "Its cool-" "Harry you need to be on stage for warm-ups.'' "That's my que.'' I said before walking out to the stage. "Let's start Sign of the times from the top." 

Several minutes later I'm singing Carolina  I walked around the stage really getting into the song until I notice that Y/N was  zoned out singing the wrong lyrics.  I raised my hand to get everyone attention. "Umm, guys I think its time for an break. Y/N can i talk to you for a minute?" "Yes." she said as we both walked down to the floor of the stage to the seats. ''What going on with you?" "Nothing. Why do you think  that something is wrong?'' ''Because you were just sing the lyric of Kiwi and we're doing Carolina.'' I explained. ''I promise it was nothing, I just zoned out." I said picking with the end of her now dyed platinum blonde hair.

I know that she is lying because lip does this curly the top. "I'm just going to say ok, then we will take about this at the hotel." I standing. "Okay, but I'm not sure if I will give you an honest answer. " replied Y/N. "Yeah, yeah get back stage you." We walked into the huge dressing room there sat Zayn texting I'm his phone waiting patiently for us.

Y/N pov

As Harry and I both walked inside the dressing room I looked over at Zayn. He smiled and locked his phone. "I watched you guys for couple minutes. You're really good." Zayn said. "Thanks mate." replied Harry. I walked over to one of the sofa.

"So how have you been?" "I've been good, working in some new music. By the way I'm so proud of you in the lads." "Thank you we are are proud of you too." "Thanks mate. So Y/N when did you start working on music?" "When we... broke up. " I said feeling the awkward tense being to stir in the room. "Are you saying that you wrote breakup song about our relationship?" question Zayn. "No, I'm saying that I put my pain and emotions into the songs I wrote." I said. For about two minutes the three of us  just sat there in awkwardness.

"Well." Harry said clearing his throat and continuing. "Umm, Zayn it's about time for us to go back to the hotel, but for we go, I want to give you give tickets to tonight's show." said Harry breaking  silence. "Thanks, late I'll be here." Zayn said before  walking out of the room.

"Thanks Hazza for the save." "Hey what are big brothers for, now let's get back to the hotel Be for the show.

Zayn Pov

Things really got awkwark back there. I wonder how tonight. I called Mum to come get me instead of riding with Harry or  Y/N  which would have been a very tense ride.

The main thing is bring Gigi to my band mate and my ex. I just hope everything goes well and not how it did just then. I seen my pull up and wave. i smiled and quickly got in. "Why are you at the arena?" "Her visiting some old friend. By the way be ready around 6:30 we are going out. I'll text the girls to let them know." Mum replied back with a quick okay and continued in the direction of home.

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