Paul Masson

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Harry ~age 20~

Harry pov

What am I looking for again? That's right a hammer. I looked everywhere for it, but I don't see it anywhere. Finally I check under the cupboard. "What is this?" I question out loud picking up the bottle. "Who's is this? Well here's the answer to my question."

Why would she hide this from me. What? Well Paul Masson is a alcohol beverage. I take the bottle to the living room with me and sat it on the coffee table. I got my phone and text Y/N. "We have to talk about this when you get home." I sent the message to her with a picture attached to it.

" There's no need to talk about it because I just brought another, with Long Island Ice Tea to go with it." I read the message and I could feel myself getting angered as I looked at the pictures she sent. "What as gotten into my letter sister." "Is Niall rubbing off on her?" "I'm going to kill them both." I thought.

My thoughts where cut off my Y/N walking through the door with bags in her hand. "A little help would be nice ya know." She said walking into the kitchen and I followed. "Okay why are you buying and hiding alcohol?" I question with my arms across my chest.

"Well, it nice to know that you forgot that we are celebrating my birthday today since we both are gonna be gone." said Y/N shaking her head while making the Jell-O shots. "I'm sorry Y/N, here let me make those and you can set the decorations." I said taking the Crown Royal from her. "Thanks Haz." She said before walking into the living room.

Y/N pov

After setting everything up I walked up to my room to get dressed. I walking into my closet to get a bath towel then to the shower. I let the warm water run over my body. I took my cherry scented shampoo and washed my hair.

Once I was done got out dried myself, did my hair and makeup, got dressed. I decided on my lace top and my shorts and a pair of black heals that will be somewhere in the house do to all the dancing.

Walking back down stairs I notice that guest have already start to arrive. "Y/N!" Connor my best friend yelled waving at my to come over to him. "Hey guy." I said standing beside the fire place. "You look good." He said before kissing my cheek. "Thanks love. Where's Tom?" "He went to get your gift out the car."

Thomas "Tom" Smith, is Connor's husband of two years. "Aww, you guys didn't have too." I said as Tom came in from the

" I said as Tom came in from the

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foyer. "This is for you birthday girl, Joshua left you note in there too." Tom said giving me the pink gift bag.

Joshua is their three year old son, they adopted him two year before they got married. "After opening the gift and reading Josh's note I thank them and went to talk to my other guests.

*Hours Later*

Harry pov

Walking to the kitchen to together another shot. Walking out of the kitchen I see Y/N on the table dancing with Louis. Shaking my head I walking over to join the small crowd.

"Okay guys it time for Y/N to blow out the candles."

"Hazza I need a little help getting off this table."

Shaking my head I held out my hand for Y/N to take it. Once she was down we walked into the kitchen.  After singing happy birthday to her. We sliced the cake and coutinue to what we're doing before.

*The Next day*

Y/N pov

Shot after shot. Drink after drink. That's all I remember from the night before. 

"Raise and shine sleepyhead." Harry said coming into my room and pealing back the curtains.

"Fuck off, you dick head."

"Now is that away to treat your brother who has you an aspiring and water."

"Thanks bro." I said sitting up in bed to take the aspiring in water.

"So how do you feel?"

"Not quite, hold just a sec."

I jumped out of bed and walked down stairs.

"Where are you going?"

"To the kitchen."

I walked into the kitchen to pour the rest of the Paul Masson down the drain.

"Why did you do that?"

"Don't ever want to see an other bottle of acohol as long as I live."


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