Morning Sickness

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Harry ~age 22~


   Not again. I got out of bed and ran to the bathroom down the hall. This is the fifth time tonight. I got on my knees and let it all out. I feel Harry pull the hair out of my face. Once I  finished I brushed teeth and thanked Harry. "You're welcome love." He said kissing my fore head. I feel so bad that he as to help me with this now that Nick is in the Marines. We walked back to our room and I climbed back in bed than went back to sleep. This morning sickness is so terrible.

Harry POV

    That was the fifth time tonight. I got back in bed, but I didn't go to sleep I just laid here thinking. In just nine months I will have a niece or an nephew. I would spoil him or her rotten. Just thinking about it can be a bit overwhelming, because I'm going to be helping my sister take care of a new born baby and I don't even have any experience. Come to think about it neither of us do. What if I'm not a good uncle. 'Stop it Harry the baby isn't here until 9 month I'm going to do fine when he or she gets here and so is Y/N, now I need to get some sleep I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow.' Though to myself before slowly closing my eye and going to sleep.


     I woke up around 8am to cook Harry a thank you breakfast for being here with me. I made his favorite pancakes,eggs,bacon,and with a cup of tea just the way he likes it. I sat everything on the dinning room table then walked upstairs to his room. "Haz wake up you're food is ready." I said walking over to his bed and shaking him. "I'll be down in a minute love." Harry groaned an closed his eyes again. "Hurt your food going to get cold." I said walking out of his room and back downstairs to watch The Catfish Show. Not even 20 minutes later Harry comes down stairs heats up his food and walks into the living area. "Thanks for the food Y/N."  "It's nothing, thank you for helping me with this until Nick gets back." I said not taking my eyes off TV. "Your welcome. Speaking of Nick have you heard from him?" He question finishing off his last piece of bacon. "No, but his going to face-time me today when I go get my check. Which you and I have to get ready for." I said getting up and walking up to my room. I got dressed quickly then did my hair. I walked back downstairs to meet Harry in the foyer. "Are you ready princess?" "Yes." I walking out to my car and starting to the engine and drove to the mall. 

Harry POV

   We talked inside to the check up on the baby. We both waited in the waiting room for about 15 minutes until her doctor came. We walked together to the clinic room. "Hello Ms. Styles now last week you came in to find out the that you are pregnant, so we ran some test and today you are here to the results?" "Yes ma'am." Y/N  said adjusting herself on the bed table. "The baby is health and we didn't find anything to be wrong with the baby, so come back in about 2 to 3 months for another and on your fourth month we came be able to see if any other problem,but as for now you and the baby are very health." She said. "Thank you Dr.Kristie" I said as we walked out of the room and out to the car where I drove back home. It's still so hard to believe that in nine months I'm going to be an uncle of an handsome little boy or an adorable little girl. I can't wait.


  I undid my seat belt as Haz killed the engine of the car. I got out  walked inside and upstair to get my Laptop to call Nick.  I can't wait to talk to him the thing is keeping this from him because I want to surprise him.


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