One Month

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Harry ~age 21~

La'canica POV

   Its   crazy how we all got pregnant at the same time. Now we're all one month together. Today I have to go by Y/N' s place because she as something planned for Nick while his not on duty.  I pulled into the park way  of her home killed the engine and got out. I walked inside. "Y/N/N, I'm here!" I yelled. "I'm in the kitchen!" She yelled back I took off my  jacket and put it on the hanger.  I walked into the kitchen to she her sitting at the counter with her lap top in front of her and Harry cooking.  "Hey." I said walking  and sitting beside her. "Hey." The said in unison. "So what do you need my help with?" I question. "I want to do something special for Nick to let him know that I'm pregnant while he is still at work and I have the prefect idea." She said turning her laptop around so I could see it.

It was and scramble broard. "So your going to use question like the day you met, where you met and how you met?" I question. "Yeah." She said as haz set food in front of her.  After talking about it for awhile about the plan I headed home to talk to my parents back in Puerto Rico in vacation.

I once got home I got my Apples laptop I went to  my contact and click on Mamá name. "Hola, mamá." I said into the camera as she Came into the screen she as yet to to know about her future grandchild. "   Hola, La'canica how are you?" She asked. "Good I have you to tell you and Papá." I said looking at her. "Si." She said. "José vienen aquí La'cancia como sething para decirnos." she said. I smiled as he came on to the screen. "Hey dad." I said has he appeared in the screen. "Hi,how are you?" "I'm doing fine, but I have too tell you guys something." I said. "Well what is it?" Asked Mum in excitement.

"You're going to have another grandchild in seven more months." I said smiling.  "Really La'canica thats amazing."  Papá with an huge smile on his face. "Wow, I know what that time hasn't come yet, but I hope that it's a little boy." Mum said. She has ten granddaughters because both of my brothers had five girls apiece. "Me too   Mamá." I said. I can't wait until they all come back from Puerto Rico next week.

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