Show Girls

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Harry ~age 22~

Harry pov

  Ahh, Vegas the city of gambling, sin, and show girls. I'm in Vegas with the lads including Mitch and Adam. We deciding to come on a mini trip here before we had to hit the road again. "Harry the show starts in 3 minutes let's go." Mitch said walking into my hotel room.

"Coming." I said grabbing my phone from the table and walking out of the door with him. I followed Mitch to the lobby to join the rest of the lads.
"What are on the agenda for tonight?" question Adam as we walked the streets of Las Vegas.

"Well, I overheard some guys talking  about a show to night at one of the local theaters. I think we should check it out." said Niall.

"Of course, you would like us to go there. You nasty rascal." Adam said.

We all turned the corner to spot the Màrron Club. A club belongs to James Màrron, who recruits dancers from all over the United States. I have met him once or twice. He's a cool cat.

"Welcome fellas. Hope you guys have some fun." The bouncer said to us as he moved back the beads that was an entrance to the main club.

"Five minutes, ladies." A woman yelled behind the curtain on the stage. The voice sounded super familiar, but maybe it was just the music masking her voice.

Y/N pov

"Five minutes, ladies." I yelled as I zipped up my corset.

"Let's hurry this up. Another night here, and I just might kill someone." Amber said she fixed her head piece.

"Me first." Half of the girls said.

We made our way towards the red curtains. Tonight was the night. There was rumors that big celebrities were attending tonight.

I choreograph the dance in one week and taught the girls the moves within the same week. So if I fuck this up, I can blame it on them! (I wouldn't though.)

"Ready girls?" I asked.

"Sure thing, Styles." DeVille said. The girls really didn't care that I was the sister to Harry Styles. They all was kind of cool with it.

Beyonce's Partition starts playing.

Driver Roll Up The Partition Please

In sync, we all twirl to saw the crowd our asses. They whistle and cheered.

don't them seeing Yonce on her knees.

We bent over and tapped each other ass and dropped to our knees. I grabbed Amber's butt while she grabbed mine and the person beside her. After a minute a few girls, a few girls left the stage.

Oh, He So Horny And He Want To Fuck

There were ten girls on the stage at the moment. Each girl had a partner for the next few dance moves, and I choose Amber to be mine.

He Popped All My Buttons And Ripped My Blouse

Amber tore opened my jacket to show my corset and I return the favor.

The crowd cheered and I looked towards them to show my sexy smile.

The face was angry. I shoot my head to make sure that I had saw it correctly. It did. It was Harry. My brother. The Harry Styles. The surprise celebrity.

After the Dance

Harry pov

"Give around of applause to the Márron Angels." James said joining the girls on stage as they now then exited behind the curtain.  "Enjoy drinks on the house as the girls get ready for the next act." said James before walking off stage.

He spotted my as he walked through the crowd and put his hand up and gave me a bro hug. "Nice to see you again mate." He said as we both pulled back. "Same too you mate. These are my lads; Louis, Adam, Liam, Mitch and Niall." I said point at each of them.

"Nice to meet you guys. Would you all like to go back stage and meet the girls?" "We would love to." Louis said nudging Niall a little. I gave them a death glare and the stop smiling. "Follow me gentleman."

We followed him back stage to hear girls the girls talking. "Did you see the blonde one. He is cute."  "His okay but the brunette one was cute." "Umm, Caila they're like five brunette." 

"Exactly."  Who I'm guessing is Caila. "Girls, come we have guests." The girls quickly walked over.

My arm was quickly pulled to the left. The figure was tall and lean, and I knew who it was. "What are you doing here?" My sister question folding her arms. "No, the real question is: What are you doing here?"  "I work here." "I know that.  Why do you do this?" "To save for a dance studio, back home this is our last night here."

"Styles no flirting with my girls."  said James walking over shaking his head. "She's my sister James." "God really? If I would have known I wouldn't hired her." James replied back.  "Time to go on stage girls." A brown head girl said. "Gotta go." "We will talk about this when we get home."  I said before she walk on stage.

I walked out to join the lads not really feeling this show any more. "Now the moment you've been waiting for. The last ever show from Márron's Angels."  I hear a familiar tone start to play. Only Angel.

Oh God no. I walked out of the building without the boys. Deciding to let them finish the show. Y/N as a Vegas show girl, I'm so glad that this her last show.

Y/N pov

  After we finished I walked back stage to change. I walked out of the club, but not before waving to the girls and telling them I would see them soon. I walked to my car and drove to the hotel I was staying in for the time I was here.

I know that Harry was and still is upset with about this job. Sighing I got out and walked inside the hotel. I'm so glad this is my last night as a show girl. I can't wait to open the pole dancing club.

Something I should tell Harry about. Before he as to find out on his own. I quickly grabbed my phone and text Harry.

Y/N: Just to let you know I'm opening a pole dancing studio.

Harry: You are what? What is your hotel room number.

Y/N: Yes. There is no need to know, because I'm off to bed."

Harry: Y/N Y/M/N Styles. Tell me now.

Y/N: Room 207. Don't be mad.

Harry: I'm on my way.

He is so gonna kill me, but I have worked so hard for this he's just gonna have to deal with it.

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