Day out with Harry, Mercedes, and Gemma

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Harry ~age 21~

Harry POV

Yesterday I'm promised Y/N, Mercedes Storm, and Gemma that if they would they would today come over today we would have a day out with just us. I sat in the living area scrolling throw twitter looking at all the mentions I'm getting in twitter about my world tour. "Harry where are you!?" Y/N yelled from the foyer. "I'm here!" I yelled locking my phone and getting up to greet them. "Uncle Harr!" My four year old niece yelled hugging me. "Mercedes." I said picking her up in my arms and kissing Y/N on her temple and doing Gemma the same. "Hey Hazza." Gemma said walking into the kitchen. "Hey big bro." Y/N said walking into the kitchen to the fridge. "So what are the plans the day?" I asked. "I don't know we ever happens." Gemma said. "I think we should go to the zoo, then a picnic at the park." Y/N said walking in. "I can't wait to go to the zoo." Mercedes said jumping up and down. "Okay, let's go then." I said grabbing Strom hand and walikibg out the door.

*several hours later*


We are at the park watching Cedes feed the ducks. "Mercedes honey dont go to far from us." I said. "So have you heard from her dad?" Harry asked. "No not since three weeks ago when he told me that wouldn't be able be to see her for awhile." I said looking at her as she is now playing on the swings. "What why?" Gemma asked. They have always been concerned about me and my small family. "He doesn't know what he jail sentence is just yet and he has a feeling that he would be there for 3 years if his Lawyer proves him not guilty." I said. "Wow, so they really believe that he did it?" harry asked shocked. All I could do is nod because my baby would be able to see here father for awhile. "Don't worry baby sis we will help you with her, now come she us waiting for us to have fun with her." Gemma said as he grabbed my hand and Harry grabbed the other and we run off to play with Storm what what would I with out them.

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