He likes her more Pt.5

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Harry ~age 17~

Harry pov

It been 3 weeks since Y/N car cash.  I feel even worse because she was on her way back home and I was so happy. 

We all rush out the door before Taron  could even knock.  We rushed passed him."What's going on guys?" He asked quick behind us. "Y/N as gotten into a bad car accident and is in critical condition." I said hopping in my car and speeding off with everyone right behind my car.  When I got the hospital I ran in side and talked to the woman at the front desk. "Y/N Styles,please." "Yes sir, in Room 345." She said with a sympathetic smile. I ran to her room, I stopped at the door before walking in and took an deep breath. I open the door to see her lying there with all the cards hooked up to her. I feel the tears start to form in my eyes. My baby sister here with IV'S in her arm from an head in crash. I walked over to her and got her hand as I sat beside her. "Y/N I'm so sorry I wish could have done everything with you that I did with Cassie,but I didn't I pick between my baby sisters. I'm such an fucking idiot." I said know cry. "The parents of Y/N Y/M/N Styles." The doctor said walking in the room. My and dad stood up. "Y/N is in a coma and is a chonce that she will have memory lost when she if she wakes up." The doctor said. "Thank you doctor." Dad said now that mum is crying in his shoulder. He just nod his head and left the room. "Oh...my...god." Taron and I said in unison. Gemma than came over and kissed her forehead whispering in her ear "Please wake up little sis". Mum came over an sat on the edge of her bed. "Baby girl please wake up soon. We can't live with out you."

*End of Flashback *

From  that day forward I have stayed here with her. This is  day 24 and she hasn't woken up yet. "Mr. Styles?" Dr . Joseph questions walking in the room. "Yes sir?" "If Y/N doesn't wake up soon we  will have take her off of life support. I'll leave with here." He said walking out of the room. I texted everyone to let them know before walking over to her and taking her yet again. "Y/N please stay with us we need you here,we can't leave with out you please, I can't say how sorry I'm for choosing Cassie over you unstated of showing you both equal love please Y/N please." I said.

Y/N pov

Blackness is what I see. I don't remember what happened  or how it even happened. I walk along all of this darkness just to meet corners of an empty room then. Somedays i here crying and prayer asking God to just wake up other days I her apologies and how sorry this person is for picking a me of a girl name Cassidy. Then other days i there was a bright light. I should I walk over to it or stay here. I have to make to an decision.

To be continued......

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated a bsm in awhile but that is gonna change soon I promise. I hope you guy like and I many more ideas in store for this book. If you want a bsm please message me or just have any ideas about what I should write next please let me know and I will be writing alot know that I have my phone back

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