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Harry ~age 17~

My diary is where everything is safe. My feelings, my do, my don't, things I hate and love about my life. Most important thing my secrets.

No I never expected anyone to read or find it.

I slid the pink book into night stand drawer and turned my lap off.

I lay in my bed in the darkness. Everything seems so perfectly in place in my life. I had the boy of my dreams, it's my last year of school, Harry and I weren't fighting. It was great.

The Next Day

"Y/N!" Gemma yelled.

I walked into the kitchen. "I just got home from school. What could have frigging done?" I asked as I sat down my books.

"Harry. He found something of yours. Well, a lot of something of yours."

The diaries. Multiple. Diaries. Every since I was eight, I kept them. Everyone held a special memory. And certain secrets that you just don't write down and throw away.

"Has he been in my room yet?"

Gemma humped her shoulders. I could trust her. She was the same as me. She liked her privacy, and so did I.

I threw down my purse and the rest of my books. I flew up the stairs.

My room door was slightly opened.

"No, it can't be. I was there. I protected you." Harry whispered.

Oh shit!

Diary: Homecoming Night.

It started amazing. We danced and ate . Kasty and I partied until our knees gave out. Of course, Harry was there. He was in the car most of the time.

But the night ended...there are no words to describe it. Kasty and I joined a group of our friends for the Homecoming Pranks (a thing seniors do after every game).

My head was pounding badly so I asked Kasty's brother (Aiden) for a Advil. He usually had some in his truck. I took it, but the night just blurred together. I only remember bits and pieces. I kissed Aiden. There were flashes. And Kasty was mad at me. Of course, the next day she apologized, but I never asked for what.

Now, I know. Rumors of Aiden and I doing the do was going around the next day. Evidence: the photos and the fact that he had consent.

Using the Date-Rape drug isn't consent.

I haven't been to school in a couple of days. The teachers don't care. I wrote an excuse so they wouldn't call home and tell Mom. I haven't talked to Kasty in a while. She called me and said she was sorry on behalf of her brother. I just hung up. I didn't know how to reply.

It hurts.

"Harry." I said. I pushed the door opened wider.

He sat crossed legged on my floor. His eyes were red.

Why is he crying?

"PRIVACY! IS IMPORTANT!" I yelled at him as I marched to gather the rest of the books.

"No. I promised to protect you. I promised Mum that I will. You got hurt. Why didn't you tell anyone?" "Because Harry I was scared, never in a million years I would have thought that would happen to me. So I kept it to myself and I never told anyone because you would have thought it was your fault." I said sitting beside him on my bed.

"Well, it is my fault." "No, it's not. If it's anyone's fault it's mine. I should have taken that pill from him and shouldn't even ask. I shouldn't even follow them there, but I felt like I could trust him because he's my best friends brother." I said whipping a tear from Harry's face.

"Does Gemma know?" "Yeah, I heard everything. Have you talked to Kasty?" Gemma asked sitting down in the desk chair.

"No, she called to apologize for her brother, but I couldn't listen so I hung up on her. She has been trying to talk to me, but I can't so I just avoid her." I said shaking my head.

"Well, I'm going to call her over so we can talk about this." Harry said standing from my bed and walking down stairs and Gemma followed.

I decide not to follow, I just throw my body back in my bed.  How was I supposed to talk to someone I haven't spoken to in weeks.

How was I going to react to all of this? With a sigh, I got off my bed to take a shower and clear my mind.

Harry pov

  I know I should have been snooping, but Y/N start to act differently. What happened that night I felt like it was all my fault I should have been there.

  "Why didn't she tell anyone?" I question as Gemma and I walked down the stairs and  into kitchen.  "Harry to her she did tell someone." said Gemma sitting on the bar stool.

"We have to call Kasty, get some answers on why she is apologizing for her brother." Gemma said grabbing a banana from the fruit bowl. I nodded in agreement and rang Kasty.

"This is Kasty." "Hey, Kasty this is Harry we need you to be over as soon as possible." I said through the phone. "Okay, sure, umm I'll be right over." "See you soon." I said then end the call.  "What did she say?"

"She on her way." I said going to to the refrigerator getting a Powerade. 30 minutes later a knock came on the door.

I looked out the peep hole to see Kasty. I took a deep breath before opening the door.

"Hi, Kasty come in." I opened the door wider. "Hey Harry." said Kasty walking in taking off her shoes. "Umm, you can join Gemma in the kitchen. YN come downstairs."  I said up the stair then walking back into the kitchen to join Gemma and Kasty.

Kasty Pov

   I got in my car and started to the Styles home as soon as I got off the phone with Harry. I know what this is about.

My stupid brother had to go and ruin my friendship with the only person I trusted. I sat at the bar with Gemma as Harry walked in with Y/N walked in with her eyes facing the floor.

"Shall I tell you what I know." I said as she sat beside Harry. "Yes go on." Gemma said.

"It was three night before Homecoming and my brother and some of the football team wanted to see how could get laid out of them. So they made a plan to find a girl that was innocent and sweet.

Someone that would never use them for popularity. They were going to roofie her whoever she may have been, but I had no idea it was going to be Y/N and I feel so bad because there was nothing I could do to stop them from doing what they did.

I tried telling people,but I couldn't so I wrote down in a  diary. How I felt about that night. How I felt when Y/N stopped talking to me. My only fucking friend and my asshole of a brother ruined from me. And somehow  in a way, this is all my fault."  I said on the verge of tears.

Suddenly, there arm wrapped around my neck. It immediately knew who it was.

All the pain was suddenly gone, but I knew it wasn't for Y/N. It was still there with her, but I knew it wouldn't last for long.

That all will be forgiven.

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