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Harry ~age 12~


  It hurts everything hurts, I lay in my bed with a pillow on my stomach. I don't know what's going on,but it needs to stop now. The pain is unbearable and I need medicine.  "Harry!" "Harry!" "Harry!" I yelled. I heard his heavy footsteps coning down the hall ways. He knocked on my door then walked in. "Is everything okay love?" He asked. I just shook my head. "What's wrong?" He question. "MY Stomach hurts bad ." I said as I  feel another pain in my stomach . " Okay I'll get you an Aspren and a glass of Water . " He said Walking Out of my room . l Walked out behind him, but l Went to the bath room . once l used the bath - room. I felt weird down south so look down to see blood in my underwear and in my pants, I've started my period . " Harry call Gemma!" I yelled . "Why?" He asked now standing at the door .  "Just do it."  I  said . "Okay." He said. I sat on the floor until Gemma came.

Harry POV

      "Gemma Y/N, needs you, she feels bad." I said through the phone. "I'm on my way." She said before hang up. "Love, Gemma's on her way." "Okay,thank you." She said. "Can i come in?" I asked. "No,I rather you not." I walked back down stairs to wait for Gemma.  15 minutes later Gemma comes through the door with a bag and walk straight to the bathroom where Y/N is. I stayed in living area and I'll let Gemma handle it.

Gemma POV

   I walked into the bathroom to see
Y/N sitting on the floor. "Hey baby girl." I said sitting on the floor and pulling her into my side. "Hey Gemma." She said weakly. "I brought you some pads, get in the shower when your done come down stairs we Can watch a movie and eat ice cream and I'll bring you some clothes and a towel." I said pulling her up and walking out so she could get in the shower. I walked to her room grabbed her some clothes and a towel took it to her than walked down stairs with Harry. "Hey Bro." I said sitting on the sofa. "Hey what's wrong Y/N?" I asked. "Let's just say she is now in womanhood." I said. "What?" I just nod with a smile knowing that our little sister is growing up.

Harry pov

  Y/N is growing so fast. When she came down stairs Gemma got her ice cream and she came over and cuddle into her side and we watched movies all that day. What a day.

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