Aiden Styles

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Harry ~age 27 ~

Y/N Pov

3 years ago my little Aspin was born. Now 3 years later I'm pregnant again with a little boy. Aiden Styles is his name. And I'm eight months pregnant. Yep, I'm about ready to pop. I just hope it's not at Harry's show tonight

"Aspin honey are you ready to visit your uncle?" I question while placing a pink bow in her curly black hair. "Yes, he's been gone for a long time." She said as she stood from the chair she was sitting in. "Well let's go because we have to get your Aunt Gemma before leaving. I drove to Gemma' s, when  we got there Gemma was sitting on the outside steps.

When we got out Gemma ran over the car door to pick Aspin up. "Aunt Gemma I missed you." Aspin said as Gem placed her in her hip. "I missed you more." "I missed you to the moon and back." Aspin said placing a kiss on Gemma cheek. "Well I missed you pass the sun, the moon, the milky way,stars and back." Gemma said with huge smile on her face. "Wow, that's a lot." Aspin said as we walked back to my car and started to the arena.

Gemma drove being as I am eight months. "So is Elyse going to meet us there?" Question Gemma. "Yes she is already there with Mum and Connor." Connor is Elyse baby boy he was born on April 2. "So Aspin mummy is about to have another baby are you ready?" Gemma asked looking in the review mirror at her. "Yes, why does it take so long?" She curiously questions.

"Well, so the baby can be strong and healthy." I said turning to her and smiling. "Mum?" "Yes love bug?" "So you love this baby?" I turned around and looked at her taken by surprise at her question. "Yes, I love the baby just as much as I love you." I said turning back around.

"Then why did you eat it?" She asked with her head coaked to the left. "Oh. My. Gosh. Who told you that I ate a baby?"

"Uncle Harry when I asked him how did the baby get in your stomach. Then, he said that he will tell me the full story when I'm older. Maybe when I'm 16." I looked over at Gemma who is just giggling away. "I'm gonna kill him." I said as we pulled into the arena.

Harry Pov

Tonight my family is going to be joining my show here in Australia of my 'Harry Styles' Tour. It's hard to believe that 3 years ago I was touring with my lads and now I'm smashing it as a solo artist. 

After waiting for Mabel to finish her openings my band and I did a little chant then walked on stage as Only Angel opening  began to play. After the second song I talk to the fans. "So tonight my family is here. Please make some noise for them." I said and they all cheered as my family came up on in the screen.

"For those who  doesn't know. I have a niece her name is Aspin and she is her tonight with her mother and my sister Y/N. Can she come up her?" I question Y/N and she nod. Then my security took Aspin and gave her to me. "Uncle Harry I missed you." She said hugging my neck.  "I missed you too." I said and the fans 'awwed'. "Can you tell everyone hello?" I question into the mic.  "Hello." She said giving a wave.

"Are you happy that you're going to be a big sister?" The fans went wild. "Speaking of my sister being prego, sorry I  couldn't  make it to the baby shower love so this is for you." I said walking over to my tour manager to get the pink cake. I gave it to the security.

"There you are love, by the way pink was the  only color that I had to make that

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"There you are love, by the way pink was the  only color that I had to make that." I said going back to Aspin. "Okay love I'm going to send you back to your Mum." I said. Once Aspin was back with Y/N I began to do my next song which was Kiwi.

Y/N Pov

The concert has only 10 minutes left and Harry is about perform Sign of The Times. "With that here is Sign of the Times." Harry said into the them mic.

It seemed like second had passed before I felt a kick. Harry looked down at me with a look of concern before I reassured him that everything was fine.

Stop your crying baby. It'll be alright.

Another kick came, but this time I grabbed mom's hands and bit  down on my lip. "Are you ok, Doll?" She asked before touching my stomach and rubbing it slightly hard.

"Mom. I think Aiden like this song too much." I smiled and tried my best to stay calm . I was not having this at a Harry Styles show. I will not like giving him the satisfaction that a baby was born at the concert.

"Your peeing mom." Aspin said. I looked down and saw a very large, dark, damp spot on my leg.

"I having a baby!" I yelled, but only a couple of fans and family heard me. Harry didn't, though.

"Lets get her out of here. Stat." Gemma said grabbing by jacket and purse. Mom grabbed Aspin, but she insist on helping me out the building.

"Move around. Pregnant woman coming through." Aspin yelled, but her voice was outshine by the voices of the fans.

I looked around to find Harry's face. When I found it, he gave me a small nod and a excited smile before singing again.

After the baby

I laid peacefully in my hospital bed with family and friends surrounding me.

"Y/N. The baby here." Louis's voice made me snapped back to realty.

"Aiden." Drew, the father, said rising the bed formation so I can see the baby.

The baby reached his arms before they came to mine. He was small and a little tan. He got  that from his father. Aiden had small curled up lips. It looked like he was smiling. His eyes.

His eyes were green, but not like Harry's. They were lighter. Very light. Almost like the perfect grass color.

"Did I miss- Oh. I didn't." Harry came toward the bed and was taken aback a moment. "Can I see him?" He asked with his hands in his pocket. I nodded as he took Aiden from me.

"Hey buddy. I'm Harry. The cool uncle. I'm going to take you all over the world. To France. To America. To Havana. Everywhere  you want to go. And I'll tell you all the best stories about how your mom embarrass herself." I smiled.

"He has eyes like grandma." Harry said rubbing the side of Aiden's face.

"Does that mean you don't love me anymore?" Aspin asked moving from Niall's arms.

"Of course not honey. I love you just as much as I love Aiden. You two are my heart. I won't  love you any less." I said.

"Well, bring on the baby." Aspin  said holding out her arms.

"I think I like Aiden more than you." Harry said to Aspin, who was pulling at Harry's hair to get the baby.

"There will be a dirty surprise in your next Gucci suit when you put it on and it want be mine." Aspin said, before carefully taking the baby from Harry. The little monster was only three, but she knew what she was doing.

"You know who he look like?" Aspin said to Drew, who was laying beside me.

"Who?" Drew asked back.

"The old guy that works with Batman. Alfred. The butler. Can I call him Alfred that way I can be Batwoman?" Aspin said.

"No way. Heck no. That's not his name."

I can see it now. Aspin and Aiden running around the house. Aiden as Alfred and Aspin as Batwoman .

"I thinks that a good idea." Liam said.

"Of course you do." Harry stood up and stood by the bed. The rest of the room came towards Drew, Aspin, Aiden, and I.

They all watched the baby as he giggled again and again. Over and over. Everyone in the room had a smile on their face.

"Y/N. Guess what?" Harry said.

"What?" I waited a while before answering him.

"The baby was born at my show. That means he really loves me."

Told ya. He was going to get say that.

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