Secretly a Royal pt 4

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Harry ~age 16~

Previously in Secretly a Royal Y/N is now living with the Styles family. The boys and their families planed a homecoming dance for Y/N. Y/N gets homecoming queen. In her acceptance speech she calls Gemma on stage but she never shows. Y/N made the desion of looking for Gemma. Y/N looked every where for Gemma until she looks on the roof of the and she's something . Let's found out what you see.
Y/N pov

"Gemma what are you doing?" I asked stopping her from getting on the helicopter with Kane. "Y/N What are you doing here?" Gemma asked. "Gemma you can't do this." I said looking at her. "And why can't i?" She question. "Because Gemma I'm soon gonna be queen of Costa Luna and my contry needs me." I said. "Which one of you princess?" Kane asked. "I am." I said taking off my mask.
"Well it looks like everyone wants to be a princess. Unfortunately it is time for the masquerade to end." Kane said taking my arm and walking me to the helicopter. "Wait can at least talk to her? " Gemma asked. "Make it quick." Kane said letting me go. I walked over to Gemma and hugged her. "You're right. They do need you. They need you to lead them and to protect them. And that's something you can't do it  from from here. And if Kane gets it he will do it from jail  which is exactly where you're going if you go back to Costa Luna." Gemma said Now crying. "Thank you Gemma for realizing." I said. "Hurry up princessa we have a royal wedding to get to." Kane said from behind me. I just nod. "He can be a royal pain in the ass." I said causing Gemma to giggle. "Goodbye Gemma, I'm gonna miss you.'' I said one last time. "I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm going to miss you too." She said. I hugged her one more time before walking off with General Kane. Here goes nothing. As soon as we got up close to the helicopter the doors came open. "Not so fast General Kane." Major Mason said. "What's going on?" Kane asked. "We got a call from Ms.Styles telling us where your location would be so we came. We found out that you killed the King of Costa Luna and you're going to jail for a very long time." Mason said putting him in the cuffs. "Thank you so much Gemma. " I said hugging her again. This is the worst/best night of my life.

2 weeks later

Harry pov

Here we all are in Costa Luna ready for Princess Y/N coronation. As we wait me and the boys talked about random things. "Attention Royal subjects,royal families and friends of the  Royal Family here is Princess Y/N."  The priest said. As everyone stood up. " I present to you, Queen Y/N
Y/M/N  Fiorre, heir to the throne of Costa Luna." He said and everyone bowed. "She is willing to be your queen,please object, I now give you Queen Y/N  Y/M/N Fiorre." He said as every one clapped as her tiara was took off and replaced with a crown . "Long live Queen Y/N!" Gemma and I yelled unison. " ¡Que viva la Reina Y/N!" Her mum yelled. " ¡Que viva la Reina Y/N!" Evetone yelled as she walked down the long red aisle. She stopped in front of the lads and I families and smiled. "Thank you guys for everything you given my the chonce to live life like an normal teenager." She said hugging us. I really gonna miss living with her.

 I really gonna miss living with her

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Coronation dress.

Coronation dress

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The crown

Gemma dress

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Gemma dress

The Tiara you have gemma

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The Tiara you have gemma.

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