Father Daughter Dance

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Harry ~26~ {Your Daughter is 4}

Y/N pov

I just came back from Tristan's school talking to her teacher about an upcoming dance. Father daughter dance there comes a point in every little girl's life that she experience this dance.

And the thing is Tristan's father passed away two an half years ago.

"Trish what's wrong?" I questioned looking through the review mirror at her.

"I didn't really want to go to this dance." She said playing with her fingers.

"What why not?" I question pulling into a near by ice cream parlor.

"Because all my friend dad will be there , but mine." She said with tears in her eyes.

"Aww, honey don't cry. Why don't you ask your uncle Harry." I said as we got out and walked inside.

I order our favorite ice cream we sat at a table outside of the parlor.

"We can call Harry if you like." I said before taking a bite the chocolate treat.

"Yes please." I smile at ice cream on her face.

"Here baby girl wipe the mess off your face." I gave her a napkin then got my phone to FaceTime Harry.

After the third ring Harry finally answer the phone.

"Hiya, Y/N. How are you and my favorite girl?" Harry questioned with a goofy smile.

"Hey, Harry. We're good. How are you?" I questioned taking another bite.

"I'm good. So what's up?"

"Tristan as something to ask you. Here Trisha." I said giving her my phone.

"Hi, uncle Harry." She said with a smile.

"Hey, princess. Mummy said you had something to ask me. What is it?"

"When will you be home?" She question. She not going to ask him.

"I'm actually on my flight home now. I should be there in another hour." He said.

"Okay, see you soon. Love you." She said before giving me back the phone.

"I'll see you soon I'll come by your house." Harry said with a wave.

"Okay bye." I said then ended the video call.

"Tristan, what was that? I thought you were going to ask him?" I question.

"I am, but I want to ask him with something special." She said.

I just smiled and we both finished our ice cream.

After we were done we stopped by a supply store to get the things we need then headed home to get the poster that we are doing done before Harry comes.

Harry pov

I close my eyes after Y/N ended the call. I just came from L.A. the band and I stayed there for a couple days after our last show for some fun.

"Everyone this is your pilot speaking we are about to land. Hope you enjoyed your flight."

I put on my seat belt as the light flashed up above. Soon after we touched down at the airport. After biding goodbye to everyone we all went a separate ways.

I got in my car and started to Y/N's house to visit her and Tristan.

After driving for an hour or so I finally made it to my sister's house. I got out of my car and walked up to the door. I unlocked it and walked inside.

All the lights were off which is weird because her car is out front.

"Y/N!? Tristan!? Y/N!?" I yelled walking through the house. I hear a tap on the patio door as I walked bye. I smiled as I seen Trish's little shadow run away from the door.

I walked outside to see Y/N sitting on the grass with Tristan front of her with a sign.

"Will you be my Sweet Creature at the father daughter dance next weekend?" The sign read. I smile walking over to them and took Tristan in my arms.

"Would love to be your sweet creature." I said placing a kiss on her forehead. I letvY/N take a couple if pictures of Trish and me with the sign and post them on Instagram and Twitter.

Where Harry is Tristan's Sweet Creature is trending. I can't wait until this dance.

*Skipping to the Dance*

Y/N pov

"Okay Trish smile." I said taking pictures of her and Harry. I took a few more pictures of them just doing random poses. "Mummy can you fix my dress?" asked Trish I walked up to her and fix her yellow and black dress.

"There you are. You guys have fun tonight." I said then sent them on there way. I waved to them as Harry pulled out of the yard and left.

My baby girl is growing up fast.

Harry pov

I pulled into the place where they are giving the dance and got out. I walked to the back door open it and took Tristan's hand in mine. We walked inside to see tons of decorations and light flashing.

After dancing with Tristan and eating little finger foods it was time to go home.

"Did you have tonight Trisha?" I questioned. I looked over at her when she didn't answer to see her asleep in the passenger seat.

I smiled and continue to her Mum's place. When I finally made it I unlocked her door and took her up stairs and changed her into her pajamas. I turned off her light the exit her room.

"Hey Y/N." I said with a knock on her door.

"Come in Harry." I walked inside.

"Hey I just came to let you know that Tristan is in her room sleep I'm about to go home. I love you."

"You can stay here, so you don't have to drive late." Y/N said.

After thanking her I walked down to the guest room and changed out of the suit. I laid in bed just thinking.

I had and amazing time tonight to with my niece. If only her dad was still her to see her. He would have been so proud of her.

She is growing up so fast a little to fast. Tristan Ann Styles.

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