Beach Don't Kill my Vibe

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Harry ~age 20~


    "Liyah here up if we we want to get a good spot at the beach we have to leave now!" I yelled up the stair to my best friend Liyah who's in my room changing. "I'm coming don't get your bikini bottom in a twist." She said walking down the stairs with a tank top and shorts on over her bikini. "What too you so long?" I asked. "Well, I had to find a tank top go with my shorts." She said. "Well let's go." I said taking my beach bag about to walk out the door we Harry walked in with the lads. "Where are you girls going?" He asked. "To the beach." I said. "Really,can we join?" Niall asked. "Sure the more the marrier." Liyah said. Harry quickly walked up to his room to change into his swimming trunks, as the lads took their shirts off. Soon Harry came down stairs. "Are you ready?" He asked I just nod and walked out the door with them behind me. Liyah and I walked to my car as the boys walked to Harry's. The car ride was fun. We jammed out to the music that blast through the radio. After 30 minutes we made it to the beach. No one was hardly there. "Yess." Liyah said as I pulled in and turn the car off. She hopped out, sit her thing out, took off her clothes and went right to the water. I walked out put down my beach towel took off my top and shorts so that I was left in my bikini and laid down to get a beautiful tan.

Harry POV

  I made a stop at the store so the lads and I could get something to snack on. When we finally made it to the beach I seen Y/N laying out getting a tan and Liyah coming back to the shore. I turned off the engine, got my thing and walked over to where Y/N was. What the actually fuck. I looked down at her. I can see her eyes open through the her sunglasses. "Yes, Hazza?" She asked not even looking up at me. "May I ask what do you have on?" "Umm,a bikini." She said now sitting up looking at me. "No that is a stripper outfit." "What?' She asked. "You heard me you look like an stripper." I repeated. "Thank you Harry Styles." She said. I was only stated the truth.

   After Harry told me that I got my things walked to my car and just sat there. I put my head on the wheel and began to cry. I heard the door open and close. "What's wrong love?" Louis asked. "Well my ass of and brother told me I dressed like and stripper." I said. "Well I think you look great." He said. "Lou you don't have to say that to make me feel better." I said smiling at him through my tears. "I'm not say that to make me feel better, you honestly look good love, now come back to the beach I think someone wants to see you." Louis said pointing out to someone. I wiped the tears from my eyes and seen Niall walking over the car with Liyah. "Are you guys coming back out?" Niall asked after Louis opened his door. "Yeah she was about to get out now." Louis said winking at me and getting out. I might as well, but I'm keeping my distant From Harry. So that Beach want kill my vibe.

 So that Beach want kill my vibe

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Y/N is  Red.

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