The Talk / The Fight

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Harry ~age 16~

Harry pov

There comes a point every siblings life that he or she as to give the talk to the younger siblings. And now is that time for me and Gemma. "Y/N come down here for a minute Gemma and I have to talk to you!" I yelled from the den of the house.

"What do you want? I was in the middle of something." said Y/N walking down the stairs. "Okay, what do you two want?" "Well, you are becoming of age now and we both think it's time you know where babies come from. Now come sit." Gemma said patting a sit next to her.

"Are you guys really going to give me the 'the talk'?" "Yes we are. You are of age now and so you know what to do just in case lover boy tries something."

"Guys, I know how babies are made and I know where they come from. So we really don't need to have this talk." "Yes we do. Now when you get ready for that time you need to know that you a condom is the best protect." said Gemma said. "But sometimes condoms may not sometimes work. So you have to be extra extra careful." I spoke.

"And if a guy wants to do something extra like add another being in your sexual relationship. The answer must be no. No matter how fun your parnter tells you it maybe." I stated truthfully. "You never know who carries disease and you don't know how fast they may spread." said Gemma as Y/N shifts in her sit next to Gemma.

"Now, to how it works." "Oh God no." Y/N said getting up.

Y/N pov

"Oh God No." I said standing up from beside Harry and Gemma. "Guys I love you and I thank you for trying to tell me about this, but I don't plan on losing my virginity any time soon. Plus Mike and I broke up three weeks ago because of this."

"What why didn't you tell us?" question Harry. "Because I knew that you and Gemma would make a big deal and talk about this like we are now." "Well, I'm glad that you know. No tell me why he broke up with." Said Gemma as I sat across from her and Harry. Well story time.

Gemma pov

After Y/N told her little story I looked over at Harry to see his knocks white from the fist he was making. "So he forced himself onto you and you decided not to tell us?" Harry question with a hint of anger in his voice. "Answer my damn it Y/N!" yelled Harry cause me and Y/n to jump.

"I was scared. The night it happen I wanted to tell you so bad, but I was scared of how you would react, but I should have told you that night." said Y/N with tears beaming in her eyes. "C'mere." I said holding my arms open. She stood came over to me a sat in my lap.

"Was this the only time this happen?" I question as her tears wets my shoulder. "No it happen, one night ago. I was coming home from KC's house from her birthday party and he followed me here." "That's why you came in crying. I'll be back in a few minutes." Harry said getting his keys and walking out of the house.

"Harry don't do anything you will regret." I said whipping away Y/N tears. "It's okay love I'm going to have a nice long talk with with Mister Michael." Harry said before walking out of the door. I pray that kid will be okay after Harry's done with him.

"Do you want ice cream?" "Yes please." replied Y/N standing and walking into the kitchen with me and sitting at the counter. "Y/N if anything that ever happens again please let us know. If you don't feel comfortable with talking to Harry about it w. They call me or Mum we are always here." I said giving her a bowl. "I will. I promise."

Harry pov

It took me no time to get to this assholes house. I pulled into his house and got out. Walking up to his door I brace myself to not kill him when I hit him square in his stupid face.

He came to the door with a stupid smirk on his face. "I'm guessing that whore told you what I to her?" That's it. I pushed that smirk right off his face. He stumble back. "That's if you every force yourself on my sister again. Oh and think about this if you even think about forcing yourself on any other girl." I said again punching him and walking back to my car.

That will be the last time that little bastard puts his hands on any female.

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