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Harry ~age 16~


    Today Harry had to go out for awhile. "I still don't know why you just would leave me at home by myself I'm totally capable of staying by me self." I said following him into his room. "Absolutely not." He said walking into the closet. "Why not?" "I don't trust you after what happen last time." He said walking back into his room. "That wasn't my fault he started it, so I just finished it." He said play with my fingers. "By knocking him out." Harry said. A month ago my last 'babysitter' decide to play a prank on me by scaring the living shit out of me so I did what I know to do best.  "That's in the past now, can you at least let me stay home by myself?" I asked. "No way, Liam is babysitting you and thats final." He said. "This is so unfair." I said walking out of his room and down to mine. I laid on my bed for the past hour or so, scrolling through twitter,until Harry came in my room. "Liam is here and I am  about to leave, I love you and please be good." He said. "Know I'm not a little kid anymore and I love you too, now leave." I said pushing out my room door and following him down stairs and into the foyer. "Hey, Y/N." Liam said.  "Hey Li." I said walking into the living area. "So do you have any plans for too night?" He asked. "No, Harry said I couldn't go hang out tonight."  " He's still upset about what happened a month ago." Said  Liam.  "I know." I said. "Not to worry its gonna be fun."  Liam reinsured me. With Liam it will be.

Liam POV

    I have to 'babysit' Y/N for a couple of  days while Harry is away. I came a couple a minutes ago. Now we are sitting in the living room watching Titanic. "Are you hungry?" I asked.  "Yes can we get pizza please?" She asked pleasing the movie. "Yeah, I will be right back." After order the pizza and waiting for 15 minutes we resumed the movie and ate the pizza as we watched. In the middle of the movie my phone start to go off. I looked at the screen and its a text from Harry.  'How is she doing?"  I looked over at Y/N to see that she is asleep. "She's asleep mate."  I texted back, I locked my phone and put it in my back pocket, I walked over to Y/N took her in my arms and carried her to her room. I laid her down put her blanket over her turn her light off and walked out of her room. Tired myself I walked back down stairs turned the TV off, cleaned our mess which was really a lot then walked up to the guest room change clothes and went to sleep.

Harry POV

    I text Liam an hour ago to check on Y/N. He said that she was asleep. I will be away for about three days.I know for sure I can trust Liam with Y/N. I have a very busy week better get bed. I walked into the bathroom got ready and got in the bed.

      *Three days later*


     I woke up to the sound of someone  making noise in the kitchen. Liam  thought to myself. I got out of bed and ran downstairs. The last pasts two days has been fun. I turn the corner to see Harry make breakfast.  "Where is Liam?" I asked stopping at the door when I realized it was him. "He left early this morning." Harry said. "Aww." "Well that away to say you missed me." Harry said. I got up and hugged him. "Now thats what in taking about." He said letting go of me. "Did you have fun with Li?" Asked Harry. "Yep,but still wait to stay ate home bye my self just once." I said. "Fine if you can show me you can stay here alone then next week I will leave you here. Deal?"  "Deal." I said. I can't wait I really have to prove myself to him.

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