Beautiful Trauma

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~This BSM was requested by one of my readers. I hope you enjoy it.~

Harry ~age16~

Harry pov

I watched as Y/N played with Gemma on the play ground. A huge smile plastered on her face, as she waved me over to them.  I got up and walked over to where they are. I picked her up in my arms and spun her around. I smiled as her laughter drowned out the rest of the world.

Taking away the hurtful reality of this horrible world. When Y/N was born with trauma to the brain and there wasn't anything the doctors could do about it. That caused her to be several years behind in her youth mentally.

Y/N's mind wasn't mature, and she was just learning the difference between right and wrong. I sigh as her laughter stop pulling me back to cruel reality.

The horrible reality of knowing that my little sister would be picked on, teased, and being names for this health problem. Well it not her health because she  is prefectly healthy.

"Big brother!" She yelled out with Gemma by her side. I smiled and walked to them.

Y/N has the obsession with calling me Big Brother like Mulan. She called her dog big brother.

"How about we go to Starbucks?" I asked her with my hand lapping around her shoulder. I know that she was only sixteen, but she was short.

"No, Harry. We need to go home." Gemma said while holding Y/N close to her.


"What comes after a sentence?" Gemma questioned.

"A peri- oh ok. Home, it is then."

We walked out to my car and Gemma sat in the back seat with Y/N.  "Gemma, it hurts." She said with a whimper.

"It's okay love it's just a cramp we are going take car of of it. Harry go a little faster."

I speed up just a little and in no time we were home.

"What can I do to help?" I asked as Gemma and Y/N rushed to the bathroom.

"I need to go to the store. You need to stay here. I cleaned her up. Just make sure she's ok, ok?" Gemma said.

I'm not scared. I dealed with this with Gemma. I helped her out one time. It's easy, right?

Gemma kissed my cheek and wished me luck. She walked out to the car.

"Big brother!" I rushed to her room. She laid in bed with a blanket wrapped around her. She held her stomach tight.

It was her first period, so she didn't understand anything. I sighed and went to the edge of her bed.

"Everything ok?" I asked.

"It feels like someone cut me with a knife." She let out a chuckle and groaned. "What did I do bad?" She asked.

I frowned and pressed my eyebrows together in curiosity.

"Does this happen to everyone?" She asked. She's so adorable. I hate that she has to live like this. Not able to comprehend things like other 16 year olds.

"No," I started, "Only to girls. It's like your body is thanking you for not having a baby." I explained.

"Then why does it hurts?" She asked. As on cue, she groaned again. Why does it hurt?

"Mmm...because Gemma cursed." I shook my head the words that came out. Gemma's going to be mad at me.

"Kill the wicked witch." She mumbled and I laughed.

A true pure soul she is. "Goodnight, big brother." She said before drifting off to sleep.

"Big brother." Gemma said. I didn't even hear her come in.

"Thanks again." She said.

I got up and walked to her. I turned my head to get one last look at Y/N. I smiled an shut her door.

"What are we going to do with her?" I shook my head. Gemma laughed at something.

"What?" I asked.

"I don't know what I'm going to do without her. Isn't that amazing?" Gemma's eyes were watering. I walked to her. I hugged her with all the love I could prosper.

I don't know what I'm going to do without her either.

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