He Like Her More Part 3

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Harry ~age 17~

Harry pov

A month that's how long she as been gone. The police have tried everything. She has  been going to school, but no one knows where she goes afterwards. I sat in the living room with the boys and our families just going through something that will help us find Y/N when all of our phones went off. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and it's a mention on Twitter from a fan. The Tweet read: "Location of Y/N Found. Young fan followed Y/N to a Beautiful hidden place with a very beautiful home here it is. Good luck to Harry, the lads, and his family trying to find her."  "Guys you know what this means our amazing fans has found Y/N  location." I said. "Their the best." Mum said as we all got our coats and keys and  walked out the door.  Y/N here we come.

Y/N pov

My phone went off a mention on Twitter. Some one posted my location,but I'm not leaving and I know that I was being followed but I  didn't care. I also know that my family are in their way over here right  now to get me to come back home, but I'm not.  I'm happy here just living my own life with no one to be a  interference with it.  "Y/N babe have you seen my car keys?" My best friend Taron. "On the key hook." I said sitting on the couch. "Ok , I'm off to work. See you tonight." He said before walking out the door. I just sit and wait on them to come here. U sat on the couch for 30 minutes until a knock came on the door. I slowly got off the couch and walked to the door. I opened it to see all of the boys and their families and then my brother and my family. Mum came to me first and hugged me. "Oh my God, we were worried about to you." She said. "I know mum and I'm sorry." I said as she let go of me. I moved to the side do they could walk in. Once everyone walked in I closed the door. "Nice place you have here Y\N." Harry said. "Thanks." I said awkwardly sitting down by Gemma. "So  we Harry  and I came to apologize for what we have  done." Cassie said. I nod for her to continue with what she was says when Harry stood up. "I'm sorry for not listen to your side of things instead of just listen to Cassidy side of everything." He said. "And I shouldn't have lied about everything I was just jealous of you and everything you did. I really hope you can forgive us." She said. "I forgive you." I said. "Yay, now does this mean you'll come home?" Gemma asked. "I don't know Gemma I need some time to think about it." I said play with my hands. "Well she you do think about the doors are open all the time." Niall said as they all got up and walked out the door. Before they left mum and dad hugged  me one last time. "We love you bubbles, please come home soon." Dad said as they walked out the door. I eaved at them as the all left. I turned around and walked back into the house. We now I have a lot of time.

Harry POV

Well at least she's going to think about it. I drove home and got out of my car and walked into to my house with Cassidy right behind me. "Haz wait." She said grabbing my shoulder. "What?" I asked. "I'm sorry for lying to you. I'm also sorry that o torn all of us apart I hope that you can forgive me. "  She sad walking to her room. "I forgive you." I whispered as I walked into the kitchen grabbed a glass for the cupboard and the rum from the other. "Just hope that Y/N can forgive us."

To be continued.....

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