He Like Her More Pt.6

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Harry ~age 17~

Harry pov

I have been here for I awhile now. I  have to go home because I'm losing all hope in my little sister. I got all of my things. Once I gather all of my things and walking to the door."Umm...who are you?" I turned around to see Y/N wide awake. "Y/N you're up." I said running over to her. "Do I know you?" She asked. "Right the Doctor said that you would remember me." I said walking out of the room to get a doctor. I called Mum

*Phone Convo*

Mum: Ello, this is Anne.

Harry: Mum Y/N is awake, but she doesn't remember anything.

Mum: OK, we are on our there.

Harry: Brings as many things as possible so she can remember.

Mum: Alright see you soon. Love you.

Harry: See you soon. Love too.
           *End Of Convo*


I woke to this guy in my room. Now I sat here with a doctor asking me what happens. "Can you recall what happened to you March 6,2017? He asked. I just shook my head. "I'm sorry, but I don't remember."  "How is she doing Dr.Tuner?" The guy asked walking I to the room. "not good she doesn't remember anything." He said walking put of the room. Soon three women and a man who I'm guessing is his mum,dad,and sisters  walk into the room. The man as a box and the woman as a photo book. "OK this is gonna take awhile,but we have all the time in the world." The woman said as she sat on my bed.  "We're gonna start from the beginning." The man said. "I am your  Mum Anne, that's your dad Robin, Your older sister Gemma,Your brother Harry,and your twin sister Cassidy." Mum said point to each of them. "You had a bad car accident and it was because of something stupid that I did, so we brought videos so it can help you remember so here is the first one." Gemma said as she put in a tape and can back and sat at the foot of my bed. "Y/N and Cassidy look at the camera." A voice said. I watched as we waved at the camera. Then I seen Harry and Gemma come over and start to push the both of us on the swing set in the yard. "Higher Hazza!" I yelled with a giggle. "Not to high  Harry." Dad said standing by the grill. "Watch this guys." Cassie said before jumping out if the swing and landing on her feet. "Good job sis." Gemma said giving  her a high five."Hey I remember this day. " I said taking my eyes off the Telly. "What you do?" Harry asked as Dad plaused the recording. I just nod. "Yeah I wanted to jump off the swing like Cassi so I did, but when I did landed wrong and I broke my and left arm." I said as he went back to play the recording and that's what happened. Several hours later after watching all the videos and looking family photos from Christmas and family get togethers. I finally can say that I know what happens on March 6,2017 and everything that happens before it. "So you Ms.Styles what happens that day?" Dr. Tuner asked. "I was driving home from a friend a  house after staying there for awhile, when a black Audi hit me from the passenger side of the car the car did several flips, I heard sirens from a distance, I heard Cassied calling my name  then everything went black." I explained how everything happened. "She is good to go, but she as to come in for a monthly check up to make sure everything stays the same." Dr.Tuner said as Mum and Dad sign the papers to release me today.

Harry POV

After Mum and Dad signed the papers we gather Y/N things and walked out of the hospital. "Y/N and Cassie get in the care with me." I said walking over to my car. I unlocked the doors and we all got in. I started the car and started down the road. "So I want you girls to stay with me so we can spend the  equal amount of time together. I had the lads to go over and sit up a movie night for all of us as a celebration of Y/N coming out of her deep slumber." I said as I pulled into my park way behind Mum and Gemma. We all walked inside to be greeted by my three best mates in the foyer. "Welcome home Styles Family!" They yelled. We walked into the living area to start watching Y/N favorite movie Finding Nemo. I looked over at her to see her smiling at the 'You guys made me ink' Scene as mum rubbed her hair.  I smiled at the scene that I'm looking at my three sister cuddle up to mum and dad. I took my phone out took a picture and posted it to Intagram and Twitter with the caption 'Good to she them all happy' I'm never gonna let anything happen like that again.

A/N: So much as happened this month first off congrats Liam and Cheryl with the baby👪, Happy late birthday Jay💙, Harry single drops April 7🎵, Louis preforming🎵, and Niall's working on and album💽. I just wanna say that I'm so proud of the boys that word can explain how happy and overwhelmed I am for them. I can't wait until you guys come back. ❤❤

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