I have loved you since we were 18

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Harry ~age 23~

Harry pov

I watched as my sister walked down the aisle of her wedding. Marrying someone that's she as loved since she was 18.  Her long black hair flowed over her shoulders, the veil covered her perfectly framed face. Dad would've been so proud of her.

She finally reach the alter she gave the flowers to Gemma and smiled a little at her. Then she turned to face Ericc with a huge smile that made her dimples pop. She looked over his shoulder to give me an reassuring smile to ease the the tear that began to form in my eyes.

Dearly beloved we are gather here today to join Y/N Y/M/N Styles and Ericc Ryan Kenmore as one." The priest begins.

*Skipping To The Vows*


/N pov

Here I am standing at the alter with the one I love the most, about share our vows with each other.

Ericc: As many of you may know, Y/N and I have been stealing from each other for quite sometime now. It started when she stole my drink for her friend. She served one point. I returned the favor and stole her number. That was worth five points.

The crowd laughed. I smirked at how cheesy he was.

Later on, she stole a date from me and I stole several from her. Let's just say I was winning in the competition of who can steal the most. On January 3rd, Y/N and I was just having a normal day on the beach. She gained twelve points for only a single kiss. I felt like she deserved at least a million.

Her rules not mine. The reason I'm telling this story is because I knew the day I said "I Love You" that she won the competition. She deserves the world and all that it gives to her. I hope that my vow to her is the perfect trophy. I just wanted you to know that this is the only competition that I am happy to lose at. I love you.

It's a shame that you can't kiss the broom before the priest say so.

Y/N: Wow, thank you honey for sitting the bar very low.

The crowd laughed again.

Y/N: So, I'm going to keep this very short because I don't think that I can compare to you. When I first knew I love you, you and I were playing Musical Chairs with a bunch of four years olds. You wanted the chair so bad that you hurt your knee.

That's when I knew I needed you forever in my life. I love you because you have a childish side that you are not afraid to show. Yet, you have a serious side that I love. I love everything about you.

From the way you cook to the way strangle a chair from a four year old. I love every inch of you. That's why I said yes. Not because you just pop the question out of nowhere. I said yes. For once in my life, I feel like I belong with someone. Someone who cares and someone doesn't care if I'm an ugly crier. Some to love. Someone to hold. Someone to come home to after a long day. Someone like you. I love you.

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