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Harry ~age 19~


   Today while Harry is at one of his friends wedding so while he is there I will be out shopping and visiting different places. I'm in my hotel room going through my suitcase looking for something to wear. After awhile I finally found something to wear. I got dressed, did my hair and make up than walked out the hotel door. I walked out into the sun beaming. It is a beautiful day out. I walked down and looked around just enjoying the weather. I went to a near by shop and looked at crop tops,bikinis, and shoes.  I continued to look through the bikini section when I came across a baby blue bikini that I have to get. I took it to the casher and played for it. Once it was bagged I grabbed it and walked out of the store. I walked around some more just enjoying the beautiful city until a group if girls came up to me. "Y/N can we please take a picture?" "Can you sign my album?"  I just smile and nod my head. I posed for a couple of pictures and sign autographs. I waved to the fans enjoyed the rest if my day.

Harry POV
  After the wedding and afterparty I  went back to the hotel to see shopping bags cover my bed. "Y/N I'm back." I said. "Hey I got you something today." She said. "Thanks. Did you have fun today?" "Yes I did ran into some fans today." She said sitting on the couch.  "What did they say?" "They just wanted pictures and autograph." I walked over to where she was. We talked until we both  fell asleep. Its been a long fun day.

 Its been a long fun day

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