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(Warning: Mention of self warm and Depression.)

Harry ~19~

Y/N pov

Partying, drinking, clubbing. Repeat. I come home late get yelled at and do it all again.  "Y/N are you coming the party tonight?" One of the girls from my 'clique'  questions.  "Is that even a question." I replied back walking to my locker to clean it out for summer break.

"Bye girls see you later on tonight." I said cleaning out the last of my stuff and walking through the crowd of people to my car. See my life consist of those things now. It is to be all goodie two shoes.

Good friends and good life, but those good friends started to use me and that good life turned in to hell.  I left the schools lot and started in the of home. It only took me 15 minutes to get home do to traffic today. When I pulled up I seen my brother brother's car pulled in the parkway.

Rolling my eyes I parked my car then got out. I walked inside to hear laughing.  I closed the door softly so no one could hear, but Mum heard any way. "Y/N your brother is home." "Oh goodie." I said as I walked into the kitchen to grab something to snack on.  Then joining them in the living room.

"Mum told me about your behavior lately." "Well that's a nice greeting." I said rolling my eyes. "Show Harry and Gemma what you did while they we're away." Mum said. Shaking my head I took off my beanie to show my now pink hair. "You dyed you hair!?" They yelled and I nod my head with a smile.

"Oh, that's not it show them the tattoo and you belly button." said Mum said shaking her head. I showed them. "What the hell is wrong with have you not been listen to mum!?" "Well it quiet obvious whatever she tells me not to do, I do it any way." I said fixing my shirt back over my belly button piercing.

"What's has gotten into, you use to be happy, you had good friends. What wrong with you?" question Harry standing from his place on the couch. "You really wanna know. Well Mister Styles, those good friends used me to get close to my famous brother, and when they got what they wanted they left the bullied me told everyone everything I trusted them with."

"They made my life a walk through hell and back. I tried to tell everyone, but no one would listen. So I thought fuck it no one care why should I. So I started partying, drinking hanging out with the wrong crowds just to make my self happy again because I became depressed over something like that. So depressed that I began to cut.  So excuse me if I need a change."

"Why didn't you tell anyone?" Gemma asked. "You think I didn't try? You guys were so busy with your lives that you didn't have time for me or anything else."

Harry pov

I sat here with my Mun and Gemma listening to Y/N rant. I never knew she felt that way. That's why she did this because she thought no one cared. "We care Y/N please don't ever think that we love you " I said pulling her into a hug.

"Guys I want to change, I want the Y/N back to, but it's gonna be hard for me." "You don't have to change love." said Gemma joining in on this hug. "We you just the way you are, but if you want help we can find help for you." Mum said now in the hug.

"We will be here with you through it all with you. You will never be alone through this." I said. "Thank you guys so much for understanding." Y/N said through her tears. This is going to be a long journey, but we're gonna get through this as a family.

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