Take Care Pt.4

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Warning: Mentions of Abuse and Sexual assult. Also verbal language.

Harry ~age 23~

~Recap: Rachel real parents were murdered do to debt they owe. Rachel founds out that she as a brother named Ryan Martinez. While getting Ryan from school Rachel feels as though someone was following her. When they both get home Ryan is knock unconscious and they both are kidnapped.

Harry worries because Rachel is not picking up her phone. So he drives to her place to see broken glass and blood on her home floor. The American FBI gets called in for help solve the cases and find the missing victims.

Rachel as been gone for months now. Being beaten and tortured. While getting beaten Rach sees Ryan and tries to over to him, but he is taken away. She made a promise to him and herself that she will get him out of there.

Rach kept her promise. She final got the courage to get out of there. I guess you can say that was the last straw after what Sam did too her. While running away from the hell house she and Ryan were held in she ran into the FBI Agent. The nice Agents took her to the hospital where Agent Jareau would be by her side.

When the Cox/Styles family made it the two children were asleep. Peacefully. They joined them in their shared room. It's seemed to the Cox/Styles family though everything was going to be okay.

Yet they are about to receive some news that will change their lives forever.~

~End of recap~

Gemma Pov

We stood out side of Rachel's and Ryan's hospital room with their doctor. "What's going on?" I asked. "We'll, we found DNA in Rachel system that isn't hers and well she's carrying a baby. We don't know how the baby is for not now anyway, but was are getting DNA samples from the men that she was held by." Said Doctor Julia.

Wow a baby. How well Rachel react.

I shook my head this could be a good and a bad thing. She will have a baby to remind her of all the things that happen to her back at that place, but Rachel is not the type of person to hold something against someone.

She will forgive, but she will never forget.

We walked back inside to Ryan sitting in the middle of the bed watching SpongeBob SquarePants.

"Good morning." Mum said as we all sitting sat beside her bed. "Good morning. What did Doctor Julia say?" She question playing with Ry hair.

I looked over at Mum and Harry. Who is going to tell her? How was she going to take it? Someone as to speak up.

"Well love, I'm going to be a grandma." Mum said breaking the silence. "I'm pregnant?" asked Rachel looking over at Mum. "Yes love."

Rachel just sat there looking at the ceiling. Tear in her eyes. Tear that held so much in them with everyone rolling done her face. Harry walked over to her and grabbed her hand as she continues to cry.

Rachel pov

Harry took my hand in his as I continue to cry. Yes I was happy, but I'm carrying another human inside of me for some monster. "Are you okay Rachel?" Harry asked. "Yes I'm fine. Just a little overwhelmed ." I said with a quick smile.

"Doctors are getting DNA samples from the men to determine who the father is." Mum said. Great that makes me sound like a whore. "Everything is going to be okay." said Harry whipping tear from face with the pad of his thumb.

"Is it because I have been hearing that same lines every since I came out of that shit place. And I feel as if nothing is okay nothing is fine. My life will never be the same. I trust no one, no man. I don't feel the same, don't look the same. I feel used and dirty. I was beaten and raped and chain down with little food. No day light, I couldn't breathe fresh air just the smell of that house. No one to talk to, but them and Ryan. Seeing him being beaten everyday. All because of something our fucking parents did. How do you come back from something like that. So how is any of this going to be okay. Because I'll never be okay."

I whipped more tears from my eyes as I finished my little rant. At the point I feel as if I have no tears left to cry. I have cried so much. "Rachel you may think nothing is going to be fine, but you have us to help you through this all." Mum said sitting in the side of my bed.

"And no matter what happens we will all be here." Gemma said kiss my forehead. "As one has a family." Harry said giving my hand a squeeze. "We love you Rachel." Ryan said hugging my neck.

Maybe just maybe everything was going to be fine. For once I feel like everything was going to be okay. Maybe there could be happiness. Maybe I could leave this road behind. And I know the scars will remain, and that I will have something to remind me of what happen during those months of being in there.

But deep down inside, I know that it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter because it's the past, and I can't let the past haunt me. I got, no we got something good. A baby and that's all that matters now. My family and that's all that will matter.

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