What are you wearing

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Harry ~ age 18~

Harry Pov

  As always I promised Y/N that she could go out tonight. And sad usual I let her. I'm in my room getting dressed as well because I'm joining the lads tonight at when of the new clubs.  After I was done getting dressed I walked to Y/N room to let her know that I was about to leave.

"Hey Y/N I'm leaving don't for get to lock up the house when you leave." I said walking into her room. "I want Harry, have fun and stop always worrying." Y/N walking out of her bathroom. My eyes widen as stepped out. "What in the lovely hell  are you wearing?" I question as she went to put on her heals. "Umm, clothes." said Y/N sarcastically stand walking over to her make up vanity.

"Haha, very funny. Are you really wearing that?" I asked. "Yes Harry I really am." She said walking pass me. "Umm, your not going out dressed like a slut." I immediately regret saying. "Excuse me, I'm dressed like a slut? I'm nearly an adult and I think I have a say so on what i wear!" She yelled in my face.

"Y/N you're not an adult until you are out from under my roof. So go change or you will be staying here and that's that!" "You know what  I'll just stay at home with no fucking social life." said Y/N before slamming the door in my face. "Y/N I'm sorry for saying that." "No its fine at least I know how you feel. Now go out and have fun." What have I done I thought as I walked down to my car.

Y/N Pov

You may think that I'm hurt because Harry called my a slut.  Trust me I have been called worst. I watched out the window as he got in his car. I quickly grabbed my keys then I texted
Y/B/F/N to let her know that I'm was on my way.

After picking Y/N/B/N up I drove to the new club that just opened. We paid the bouncer then walked inside to loud music and achol in the air.  "Let's get drinks!"Y/B/N/F
yelled over the music. I nod and followed her over to the bar. "What can I get for you beautiful ladies?" The bartender asked. I can say that he is cute. "Umm, two Hennessey on ice." I said. "Here you are lovely ladies, this one is on the house." He said giving a wink.

I smiled as Y/B/F/N  and grabbed our drinks and walked off. "He was so checking you out. I laughed at her and shook my head. The night goes on dance after dance drink after drink until I see my brother walking in my direction.  Oh no.

"Didn't I tell you not to come out like a little whore ?" I could feel the people that stood around us eyes on me. "And didn't I tell you that I'm grown so I can wear what ever I feel like I can." I said before taking another shot. "Okay that enough it's time to go home." He said. "Why?" "Because every guy in here as been checking you out." "Fine, let me text Y/B/F/N." I said texting her telling her it's time to leave. She met us at my car and since we are wasted Harry drove my car Niall drove his being that he did ride with Harry. "By the way Y/N You're grounded."

I rolled my eyes as we pulled into our shared home. Well at least I got that bartender number and I had fun. I walked up to my room with Y/B/F/N behind me. We both change and got in bed.

*Next Morning*

Harry pov

   I woke up early this morning to get prepared for the girls. I got the warm tea and asprins and walked into the living room where Y/B/F/N was sitting with Y/N head in her lap. " 'Mornin girls." I said sitting everything  on the coffee table.

"Good morning Harry." Y/B/N/F said. Y/N just looked at me and rolled her eyes. And I know why. "Umm, I got you girl something to take and drink." I said clearing my throat "Thanks Haz." Y/B/F/N said as she and Y/N took the medicine.

"Umm, Y/N can we talk for a second?" I question.  "I have nothing to say to you."  said Y/N  walking into the kitchen with hers and Y/B/F/N cups.  I excused myself from the living room and followed her to the kitchen.

Y/N Pov

I have nothing to say to Harry after he embarrassed me in front of the whole club.  "Y/N please let me explain." "No there'snothing to be explained. I told you I know  how you feel about me. And by the way I'm moving back in with Mum." I said watching out our cups. "Please give me another chance." Harry pleaded with puppy dog eyes.

He's My big brother I could never be mad at him long. Sighing giving in and Harry as the biggest smile on his face knowing that I will forgive him. "Fine, but if you ever call me out my name again I will cut your tongue out and feed it to you. Got it?" All he did was nod. I hugged him before walked back into the living room with Y/B/F/N. "Yayy you guys made up." She said as Harry sat in tge middle of us pulling us into his side.

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