My Girl

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Harry ~age 23~

Noelle Horan. Niall would spoil her rotten if he could any more than she already is. "Dad how long are you going to be in tour?" Noelle questions her dad while on FaceTime with him. "Not long sweeties. I promise now give the phone back to your mum. I love you."

"Love you too. Her you go Mummy." said Noelle running off to her room to at with her toys. "How as she been?" "She's fine, she just miss you a lot." I said before taking bit of my fruit salad. "God I hate this so much. I hate seeing her like this." Said Niall with a sigh.

"I know Niall. I know she will be okay, plus she will get to see you soon anyway." I whispered the lats part. "I know but that's so far way." "Ni it's only two weeks you can hold out that long. Can't you?" "I don't know I just miss you two so much." "We miss you too. I have to go I have to take Noelle to studio to met Harry."

"Why?" "He want to have her talking in one of the songs for HS2." I said shaking my head. "Oh, okay. I love you guys. See you soon. Give Noelle lots of kisses." He said with a wave. "I will. See you soon. Love you." I said before ending the call.

"Noelle come on hon we have to go. Uncle Harry is waiting." I said walking into her room filling her back pack with somethings to keep her mind occupied while at the studio. "Let's go love bug." I said while taking her hand and walking out of the house.

I quickly locked everything up and walked over to my SUV and started to the studio. Once I made parked a turned to Noelle in the back seat.

"Okay now baby girl Uncle Harry needs you to help him out today while mummy is at work. Can you be a good girl for me?" "Yes ma'am." "Okay then let's go."

Walking inside we get greeted by Simon. "Well fancy seeing you two here." "Hello Uncle Si." Noelle and I said as he pulled us both into a welcoming hug. "I guess you are you for you recording session?" "Yes I am." "Well right this way." We follow him to where Harry is recording.

"You made it!" Harry exclaim as we walk in the room. "Uncle Harry." said Noelle running into his arms. "Hey sis." "Hey. Thanks for watching as I got to work." "No, problem. Thanks for letting her be on one of my songs." "Well, I wish I could stay, but I have to go. Love you both." I said giving Harry Noelle's backpack.

"Bye love you too." I walked out of the studio back out to my car. Back to work.

*Hours Later*

Harry pov

It's so nice to finally see my niece and sister again. After recording the sing and using Noelle's voice it's finally time to go home. "Uncle Harry can we get ice cream?" "Sure love." I said as I buckled her up in her car seat.

I got in the car and drove in the direction of the store. I turned the engine of the car off unbuckled my seat belt then got out. I walk to the other of the car to get Noelle out. "Okay cupcake we need ice cream, cookies, M&M, and popcorn." I said as I got a trolly and and grabbed her hand.

We walk around the store getting the things we need for a little feast. I smiled as we came across a green beanie and a Ginger beard. I took it from the shelf abd turn to Noelle. "Come here Noe." I said with a smile as she walked over to me.

I place her blonde hair over her shoulder and but it on her. "Do I look like daddy?" I nodded my head and took out my phone a snapped a picture. "Do you want it?" "Yes, please." She said after I put my phone back in my pockets.

After paying for the items and began to drive home. Grabbing the bags from the back seat and walked into my house to see Y/N taking off her shoes and walking into the kitchen. I kicked the door close attempting to lock it, then I joined Noe in the kitchen.

"I scream, you cream, we all scream for ice cream." Noe and I said as I got bowls from the cupboard and began to fix the vanilla ice with Oreo cookies on the side. As we I got my phone to post the photo I took earlier on Twitter and Instagram.

" @Y/T/N and @NiallOfficial: Looks like someone found their lucky charms."

"@Harry_Styles @NiallOfficial: Harry where did you find that?"

"@Y/T/N: I found it at the store getting ice cream."

"@Harry_Styles and @NiallOfficial: her dad is not going to stop talking about this."

"@Y/T/N and @Harry_Styles: God she looks like me. That's my girl."

"@Y/T/N and @NiallOffjcial: She took a Chònce😂😂."

"@Harry_Stlyles and @NiallOfficial: Oh No Niall😂.

"@Harry_Styles and @Y/T/N: Way to cut me feelings guys😂😩."

Once logged out of Twitter I continue to eat my ice cream. Once Noelle and was done we walked to living area to watch tv until her mum get off.

Niall pov

After closing twitter I smiled and shook my head. "Why are you smiling that hard Horan?" Julia question sitting beside me. "Just a picture of Noelle on Twitter." I said showing Julia the picture.

"Aww, Niall she's so cute. I so have to meet her and Y/N." "Well, you're in luck Miss Michael's because she and her Mum are going joining us for a bit." "Awesome."

I can't wait. It's been so long since I seen my girls.

The next morning #NoelleHorantookaChònce.

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