Take Care Pt. 2

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Harry ~age 22~

I've been calling Rachel for the  last two days now and she hasn't picked up. I'm starting to get worried. I called for what seems to be the thousands time today, final making the decision to go over.

I got my keys off the coffee table walking out of the house and to my car. I drove for only 30 minutes before pulling into her house to see her white convertible still parked in the yard, and her home door still left open. I quickly got out and ran inside.

"Rachel! Ryan! Where are you!?" I yelled walking around until I came across a broken glass in what is now Ry's  room. I quickly ran down stairs and into the living area to  see blood on the carpet. I quickly took out my phone to dial emergency line operators.

" 999 What's your emergency?"

"C-Can you help me, my sister and  b-brother are missing. And there's broken glass and blood everywhere."

"Okay sir clam dow. What is your name and  location?"

"My name is Harry Styles and my address is, 303 Posner Lane."

"Help is on the way sir."

I quickly hung up the phone so I could ring Mum and Gemma  to let them know what's going on. Not long after the police and forensic arrives. I began to cry as one officer ask me to exit Rachel's home so they could collect some evidence. 

Gracia Pov

I sat talking with my fellow co-workers because there is no case. "I think we should all go out after this." JJ said sitting on top of Spencer's desk. "Yeah we sh-" I was cut off  by my phone beeping indicating that we have a case.

"We should get back to this because we have a case." I said locking  my phone and walking to the conference  room. "What do we have Garcia?" My boss questions as she sat around the table. "Okay this case is taking place across the pond. 4 months ago killings started in Holmes Chaples."

"Emily Cameron and her little Teddy Cameron they were killed exucation style in her apartment Tuesday night. The next victims are Liza Colman and her little brother Derek Colman they were both   suffocated in their sleep on Friday. The next victim victims are Casen and Collen Willams they were killed Monday morning in their home while the parents were out of town they were hung in there house." I said click through the picture as they came upon the screen.

"Each of the victims where found with  marks of a sign which seems to be some kind of symbol on  their  foreheads and the arms across their chest. This means the unsub feels remorse for them." Spencer said putting all his attention on the victims.  "Why do they want us to come in?" question Rossi as he looked at one of the victim file.

"Well two days ago Rachel and Ryan Styles went missing, last name sound familiar right, well they are the younger siblings of the singer Harry Styles. They found blood and shattered glass in her home, but no signs of any forced entry. Right before they went missing their adoptive mother Anne Twist got a letter in the mail from her real parents saying  that  someone killed them and that the same people are now after her and her little brother."

"Well if the unsub as been  killing these victims with then days of each other we only have 8 hours to get their and find them both alive. Wheels up in 10." Prentiss said closing her file and walking out the conference room with everyone following behind her. "Good luck guys, come back as one whole." I watch as the elevator doors close on them. I ran off to my cave to began my research.

Emily Pov

We load the plane pretty fast and began to talk about the case. "Okay so, Rachel's real parents left a letter in her adoptive parents home, saying that someone will be after her and her little brother. So why wait to tell her about what is happening? And why not tell her the group name of the people?" Tara questions looking at the copy of the letter in her folder.

"Guys get this, Rachel was  in and  out of different homes when she was a baby at the age of 3 the Styles took her in as their own.  In school Rachel was the top in all her classes  Her I.Q. is 181 and she only 22. The girl loves everyone she is like the nicest of them all it says here when she's not working she goes and helps out at a local soup kitchen. She was reported missing the day that she got kidnapped by one of her co-workers, but officers couldn't do anything because she wasn't  missing for two days."  said Garcia before typing away on her computer.

"Okay when we land I want  Lewis to go check on the bodies and see if they have found any traces of DNA on them, Reid, Simmons, and  Luke cost the latest crime scene, Rossi, J.J. and I  will talk to the families." I looked around at the team members to make sure that they understood and they all nod. Once the plane landed we grabbed our thing and went to the police station.

"Agents, I'm detective Marks." The woman said sticking out her hand. "I'm SSA agent Prentiss, SSA  agent Rossi,  Dr.Spencer Reid, SSA agent Jennifer Jareau, SSA agent Matthew Simmons, Dr. Tara Lewis, SSA agent Luke Alvez." "I had one of my works to set everything up for you this way." We followed her into the room and she left us to talk in private. "Okay J.J, Rossi and I will start talking to the families. Updates us when you find something." I said before the team went in different directions.

Harry Pov

I sniffed as Mum pulled into the police station. I signed as we all got out of the car. We walked inside and was greeted by detective Marks.  "Right this way an agent will be with you in a minute." She said before closing the door.

Soon an a  woman walk through the door. "Hi, I'm agent Jennifer Jareau. Do you mind me asking you some questions?" All I could do is nod as she sat across from me. After 30 minutes of being questioning we all left. She called me before she went missing and I didn't make a chance to answer her. "Harry don'tbeat yourself down about this. It's your not fault that she got taken. You didn't know"

"I just feel like I should have been there. She called me the day before. I just feel like shit." I said as Mum drive home." I just want my sister and my new little brother to be home and safe and in the arms of a psychopath.

Once we made it to Mum places I went up stairs to take an shower and went to my old room to sleep. Today as been the worst day.

Y/N Pov

Complete darkness. The ropes around my arms and ankles left burnt marks. There is a small light in The corner of the room, but it's not enough to feel the room

The day of the  addiction replayed in my head. I thought about Ryan laid in the tall man's arms so pale and how his little body look so lifeless. "Ryan are you in here?" "No, Ryan is in safe place...for now. Don't worry about him, you should worry about yourself."  He said inching closer to me unbuttoned his pants. "No, please don't. Please just leave me alone."  I tried to plead with him. "Just stay clam honey it'll  over before you know it."  He said laying me down and hovering over me.

I whimpered as he began to kiss down my neck. "Clam down Rachel you can do this?" I took my knee, and hit him were hit hurts. He groanas I sat myself up and sled to one of the corners. "You little bitch now your gonna get it." He said pulling me up off  the floor and untied me.  "Come on." He said snatching me up off the floor and staging me up stairs.

"We got a feisty one here." He said pushing me to the grow. I felt so ashamed I was only in a tank top and my lace underwear. "Well we will just have to teach her a lesson."  Looked up to see another man with black hair and a tattoo of a circle with a "x" through it on his wrist.

I feel a sharp pain my side from one of them kicking me and another on my face from a punch. I groan and looked around to see Ryan sitting at the dinner table.  "Ryan." I whispered. "Ryan." I said little louder and trying to crawl over to him, but they stopped me. "Take that little bastard out of here." "Rachel, Rachel, Rach,No don't let them take me please help me. Rachel!!" He yelled. "I  want let them take you away I will get us out of here." Was the last thing I said before every thing went black.

To be continued....

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