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Harry ~age 17~

   I stood in the middle of the animal adoption center looking at all the animals. They all are special,but one really caught my eye. The little puppy that was just brought here.

I walked over to the cage where the brown and white dog lays. "Hi, I'm Y/N." I said as the dog walked over to my hand. "Excuse me can you please open the cage please?" I question not taking my eyes off the cute little puppy.

"Yes." Once the cage was unlocked I took the dog  into my lap. I sat there with the dog it licked my finger tips. I smile as he laid his back in my lap. "You me want to rub tummy?" I chuckle and rubbed him.

This is the dog I want. I stood from the floor with puppy in my arms still. I walked to the counter to sign the papers for the dog. 

Once everything was signed and I   brought everything I thought the dog may need. I walked out if the center and to my car where he was in front.

Thought about names as I turn the corner in the direction of my shared home. I can't wait to see the look on Harry's face.

Harry pov

  I sat in the back yard on my phone going through Instagram. Liking a couple of pictures and following some of the fans. 

I locked my phone and laid it on the side table and closed my eyes.

"Harry!" yelled Y/N from inside the house. "Outside!" I yelled back not opening my eyes. "Oh, hey. Guess what?" "What?" I question.

"You're an unlce." She said. "Y- What now?" I question sitting up too look at her.

"I went to the adoption center today and adopted a puppy. It's a boy and I haven't picked the name for him I was hoping you could help me." said Y/N showing my little brown and white animal.

I took him in my arms. "Umm, what about Duster."  I said scratchjng the dog behind his ear. "I like it." Y/N said sitting in one of the lawn seats.

"Welcome to the family Duster Styles." I said putting him on the grass so he could run around for a bit. This is going to be fun.

Harry Styles BSM BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now