Charity Ball

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Harry ~age 18~

Harry pov

"Ladies if you don't hurry we will be late for the ball!" I yelled up the stairs.

The ball is the best time of the year. The ball is a charity event that helps raise money for all charities. I looked at my watch 5 minutes. We have to be there in 5 minutes. And it's a 10 minutes drive from here.

Soon they walked down the stairs in beautiful dresses. "Wow, you ladies stunning." I said as we all walked out the door and to our awaiting limo. Once we made to the place I got out and help Mum and my sister's out. Interview time.

"Harry who are you and your family wearing tonight?"

"We are all wearing Givenchy."

After several interviews it's finally time to go inside.

Y/N pov

I walked inside to see this huge place full of celebrities. "Y/N you look beautiful." Liam said walking over to me with Cheryl. "Thank you." I said with a smile. "How do you feel?" question Cheryl. You see this is my very first charity event and tonight I'm doing the honor of the first donation to the charities.

"To be honest I'm very nervous. This is my first time here." "You got this girl just think this as if you are on stage and you in front of your fans." said Cheryl with a smile. "Thank Cheryl." I said hugging her. Pulling away I smiled as she walked away as Scott coming over to me.

Scott is my long time best friend. We have been through everything together. When he was 14 he was in a bad car accident that left him paralized from the waist down.

He's here tonight because he will also be donating to the charities. "Well, don't you look handsome." I said hugging him. "And you look beautiful as always." He said with a grin from eat to ear. "Okay , Scotty tell me what you have to say." I said rolling my eyes playfully.

"Nothing, just giving you a compliment. So I just saw you brother and he's not wearing Gucci what happened." "Well, he let me, Mum, and Gemma pick out our dresses and we decided on Givenchy, so he did the same."

"Well, that surprising." said Scott causing me giggle. We talked from a bit until it was time for us to go on stage together.

Harry pov

"Now please welcome Scott Davidson and Y/N Styles." I watched as my sister push her best friend up the ramp then lean down to whisper something in his ear and seeing Scott smile then nod.

Y/N stop in her tracts as Scott looks the wheels. Y/N moves to the front of him, she takes Scott by the hands and helps him up.
"No way." said Gemma from beside me. "Can't believe it." Mum said watching Y/N help Scotty walk across the stage. I stood from my seat and began to clap, with everyone following behind me.

They make they're way to the mic-stand. I can't believe my eyes. After sitting back down they began to give their speech.

Scott pov

I wait for everyone to seat down before we both gave our speech.

"Thank you for having us tonight. For those who doesn't know my name is Scott Davidson. When I was only 14 years old I was in a car accident that left me paralized from the waist down." I started with a smile on my face.

"Paralized from the waist down so that means I have no feeling any where down there, so if you try to hit me down there I can't feel it. Harry." That cause everyone to laugh. "So me being paralized left me thinking about basic fourteen year old thing like not being able to play football or never being able to hide in the tumble dryer when playing hide 'n seek, but then I realized there is more important thing to think about then that."

"The day after I had my major surgery my doctor set a bar for me when he said that I would never be able to walk again in my life. Now I know what maybe running through your head now 'Thats a pretty high bar to set for just a child.' Well it wasn't. In the back of head I was determined to provide all of my doctor's wrong. And just two months after the surgery I was signed up for physical therapy."

"For nine months I practice on gaining my balance and steadying myself then I finally began to move my legs again. Along the way I had several individuals right by side and they never left. And one of many includes this beautiful lady standing next to me. Y/N is one of best friend in the world to support me through this and she never left my side that also includes her wonder mischievous sister and brother."

"But that's beside the point. Tonight Scott and I are here to donate. I'm also going to say this don't let anyone set a bar for you. If they say you can't you prove that you can and you set that bar higher then the one they set for you. So, tonight we are donating 200,000 dollars. I want to encourage others to set the bar higher and accomplish there dreams. Thank you."

Everyone clapped as I walked back off stage and to my chair and Y/N pushed me back to the table where she and her family sat.

Y/N pov

"I'm so proud of you Scotty." I said kissing cheek before sitting next to Gemma. "And the let joke you made that was good." Harry said smile while shaking his head. "Umm, Mum and Harry we should go talk to Niall and Louis." Gemma said with a wink.

She makes things so obvious. "Yeah we should." Said Mum before they all got up and walked over to the table where the lads all now sat. "Umm, what was that all about?" "Well Y/N I have to get something off of my chest." "What is it Scotty?" "Well, you have been here with me through out this whole journey and you're still here. And through out this I began to developed feeling for you. What I'm trying to say is will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend." I said before kissing him. "Attention it is time for the final dance and donation of the night. So please welcome one direction." After the lads gave their speech and donated the money the music began to play and I dance with Scotty.

"Well, you did it." I whispered into his ear as we dance to Perfect. "You did it too. I think the money will really help the companies tonight." He smiled as he hugged me tighter.

"Love you." He mumbled into my hair.

"Love you, bruv."

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