I hate you Harry Styles

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Harry ~age 15~

Y/N pov
I'm so excited for today Haley is coming over for a sleep over. This will be the first time we have seen each other in months. I Just can back from the store getting food and drinks. "Y/N about to leave for the airport. Can I trust you to be home by yourself for 3 weeks?" Harry asked. "Yes Haz,but can Haley come over?" I asked. "Yeah as long as there is no boys,no parties no drinking,no smoking and absoutly no boys." Harrybsaid getting his point across about the boys. "Anything else?" I asked. "Yes,emergency numbers on the fridge and I will call you when I land." Harry said before kissing my cheek and walking out the door. I walked into the living area to get the movies ready ready. This gonna be so much fun. Three hours later Haley knocked on the door with a group of people. "Haley who are all this people?" I questioned as they all walked out the door. "Y/N don't worry these are some friends of mine." She said. 'Haley Harry's going to kill me I can't have others over." I said closing the door. "Aww come on live a little it's just a small party." She said as we walking into the living room where the music was blasting. "Haley Marie Morrison we have to this party!" I yelled over the music. "Stopping worry and dance with me you fool." She said pulling me into the middle of the floor. This is so wrong. I smell smile bouncing off the walls. Achol strong and the music to loud. I'm so dead of Harry counts out. Haley we have to stop this party is getting-" "Live a little Y/N." She said. From a distance I can see a blonde head not with an achol bottle in his hand about to poor it in the floor. I walk over to him quickly taking the bottle from his hand. "Y/N What the hell is all off this?" Harry yelled taking the bottle from me. 'Harry oleas let me ex-." I started but quickly cut off. "Everyone out except for Haley and Y/N!" He yelled and everyone left quickly. Once the last person left Harry closed the door. "Now do the both of you care to explain why I come home to a huge house party?" "It was all Y/N idea I told her as shouldn't do this because you would be mad,but she didn't listen." Haley said. I can't believe she just lied through her front fucking teeth. "You're free to go." Harry said she walked out,but turned around before she folded the door she turned around and winked. That evil bitch. ''As for you why did you throw a party once I told you the rules." Harry yelled. "It wasn't me it was all her!" I yelled back. "Don't lie your I seen you with the achol!" He yelled in my face. "Well,maybe if you would have let me fucking explain you would know that I took it from someone!" I yelled as I walked up the stairs to my room locked the door. Not soon after a knock cane in there door. In some I had him.

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