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Harry ~age 23~

Harry POV

I sat in Gemma's car on my way to the emergency room. Why? Well me being clumsy feel down the stairs. "You know that you are the most clumsiest person I know." Gemma said while pulling to an empty parking space.

I rolled my eyes as she turned the engine of the car off. She ran over to the passenger side where I am sitting in the back seat. "Come on." Gemma said looping my arm around her neck. I hopped as we walked to the entrance of the Hospital.

"Can I get a wheelchair please." A nurse question walking over to me and Gemma . Soon another nurse came with the wheelchair and I was pushed off to a room to wait for my doctor.


I just finished some paperwork on my last patient who has heart problem, when one of the newer nurse knocks on my office door. "Come in." "Dr. Styles you have a patient in room 100." "Thank you love I'll be right there." I said getting the clipboard and walked down to where the patient what's

"Hello I'm Dr. Styles and what seems to be- oh no not again." I said looking up to see Gemma sitting with Harry nodding her head. "I sat on the stool in front of Harry with his leg post up. "Okay Sir. Clums-a-lot tell me what happen." I said touching his leg just a bit as he rolled his eyes.

"Well, I was walking down the stairs to open the door for Gemma, but I missed the last four or five stairs and landed the wrong way." He said. "Okay let's get you and x-ray and a CT scan then we will get your cast on." I said shaking my head.

After getting the CT scan and x-ray it's time to put the cast. "Harry I need you to stay still. Okay?" He just rolled his eyes in response. Once I placed the cast on his leg I sat on the stool in front of him."Do you have any questions?" "Yes how long will I be in this thing?" "For about 6 weeks." I said.

"Anything I should know?" Gemma asked standing. "Just pick his pain medicine upon your way back home and let him take one if he feels any pain. Don't let him take the ibuprofen and the percocet or he could OD." I said giving Gemma the papers for the prescription.

"Will do Dr. Styles." "Gemma keep and close on him when he gets home don't want him breaking anything else." "I want trust me." "Guys I'm not a kid anymore you don't have to watch me." He said clearly his had enough of us treating him like a baby.

"Well we have to cause things like this happens, see you guys when I get home. Wait don't for get you lolly pop." I said giving him a kiwi flavored one. He took it as Gemma and I started to laughter. "I hate you guys." "You love us." Gemma said giving I'm his cruches and walking out of the hospital.

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