He like Her More

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Harry  ~age 17~

Y/N pov

Being Cassidy Styles twin isn't the easiest. Everything she wants she gets. Everything they think she wants it's wrapped up and sitting on her bed as a gift.  As for me totally different.  I currently walking home from cheer practice where my 'loving' brother  forgot to pick me up from practice.  Soon enough I came to my house debating weather I should go in or not.  If I go in there will be something as soon ad I walk through the door, but if I don't then there will be no problem and I would have to deal with Harry nor Cassidy.  "Tough it out Y/N and everything will just go good." I sign before walking in the door. I closed the door and lucky everything is quiet.  Yes. "Y/N Styles!! "Harry yelled. My lucky just ran out. "Yes? " I asked while putting my cheer bag back into the storage room. "So you beat up your sister today?' He said "No thats not how it went she started it. "  I said to him as she walked into the room.  "Oh your trying to say that the busted lip and black is not your fault." Cassie said.  "Yea that's what I'm saying. " I said rolling my eyes. "Like I would believe a lying whore like you, you do everything to hurt your sister and want me to believe that you did." Harry said.  "Well may be of you will some times just sometimes listen to my fucking said of the story you will know that Cassidy hates my guts." I said.  " I can't even believe you.  Mum should have gave you away at birth the day Dad asked her to." Harry said.  That really got me I knew that they didn't like me but dad want Mum to give me away at birth. I turned on my heal and walked out of that hell home before the tears came flowing out of my eyes.  I knowing where to go. 

Harry pov

I watched as she walked out of the door.  Maybe I went to far with what dad said.  I walked back into the living area where I sat on the love sit not really caring about where she went. I s decided to go and check up on Cassie.  I When I walked into her room I seen her in the mirror taking off the make-up and talking on the phone."Yes,he always believes me over her,but he doesn't know she is the weak one that over all her marks with make up." She said "What the hell are you doing!? " I almost yelled.  "Harry it's not what it looks like." She said.  "The fuck it is. I hurt my little sister because you think it cool to beat her up and then lie about.  You and  I both have to apologize." I said walking out of her room and down stairs to get me keys and waiting for Cassie.  When she came we both walked out of the door in search for our sister.

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