Album Drop

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Harry ~age 22~


    Today is that big day that everyone including me as been waiting for. My album drop. The fans have been going crazy with waiting for my self titled album. I'm at  this arena to day in L.A. for a performance for fans. I'm sitting in this huge vintage with my team, family, friends, band, dancers, management, and my producer just laughing and talking. I enjoy that we all get a long so well like one big happy family. "Y/N you have to be one Snapchat now. So get your phone ready because you have to drop your first song." Tammi said. I grabbed my phone from the small coffee table that sat in the room and opened the app. "Hey guys Y/N here telling you guys that the first song on the album is Something New and stay tuned because every hour an song will be dropped." I Said, once it stopped recording I put and heart emoji on it and put it on the
🚨Album Drop🚨 story. "Now that you have do that its time for your show." She said giving my mic. We did our prayer and chant that we always do before the show than I ran out on stage to be greeted by screaming fans. "How you guys feeling?" I questioned into the Mic and they screamed. "Me too. I hope you're ready for some fun because I am. Now here is Something New." I said. This going to be so much fun.

Harry POV

  I watched as Y/N preformed. She really is enjoying her self. "Harry in an hour you will drop her next song which is Numb." Her manager Tammi said. "Okay, thanks." I said nodding and coutined to watch her as she sing and dance around the huge stage.
  *An Hour later*

"Harry its time." Tammi said. I grabbed Y/N phone  and oppend Snapchat. "Hey guys it Harry song number 2 is  Party People." I said. I sent off I put the phone down and watch as Y/N ran back stage. "That was crazy." She said going into quick change. She came back dressed in a crop top and a shorts and a pair of pink sneakers. "Kill out there baby sis." I said before she ran back on stage and the band started to play Party People.  I'm so proud of her.

Louis POV

   Y/N is really killing out there. I stood behind the stage ready for her to call me out on stage, but before I go on stage I have to announce the song that we made together. "Lou you are up." Tammi said giving me Y/N phone. "Hey Louis Tomlinson here the third song on the album is Just To Close." After I sent to her story I locked her phone and gave it back to Tammi. "Now everyone please help me welcome Louis Tommo Tomlinson!" I ran onto the stage and  waved at them crowd which drove  wild. Then we began to sing Just to Close. I'm so proud of her.
Liam POV

   I'm next to announce the next song on the album. I was given Y/N's phone 15 minutes ago I opened the app. "What's up guys Liam here the fourth song on the album is Dream." I posted the video it right as Louis and Y/N came in smiling.  "Thank you Louis." She said with a huge smile on her face and running into quick change for the fourth time. She ran back out on stage a preformed. She really is enjoying herself.

   Several song drops later

Anne POV

  Y/N came back stage for a quick break while the opening act went back on stage to preform. "Are you Y/N ready to announce the last song of the yourself album?"  Tammi question. "Yes,but can I do this on with everyone?" She asked. All Tammi did was nodded. I know why she wanted all of us because it was written for a reason and she feels that if we wall did it together it would be better. We all gathered around an Y/N stood in the middle. "We're all going to say at the same time." Y/N said as Tammi should on top of the coffee table. "Song number 12 is Heavenly!" We all yelled then we all pulled Y/N into a huge group hug. "Where so proud of you Y/N and your dad is too." I said hugging her. "Thank you guys so much for being here with my thought this long ass journey and its  only the began." Y/N said laughing. "Your so welcome love, we all are so probs of you." Niall said and its all so true

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