Take Care Pt. 3

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Warning: Mentions of Abuse and Sexual assult. Also verbal language.

Harry ~age 23~

~Recap: Rachel real parents were murdered do to debt they owe. Rachel founds out that she as a brother named Ryan Martinez. While getting Ryan from school Rachel feels as though someone was following her. When they both get home Ryan is knock unconscious and they both are kidnapped.

Harry worries because Rachel is not picking up her phone. So he drives to her place to see broken glass and blood on her home floor. The American FBI gets called in for help solve the cases and find the missing victims.

Rachel as been gone for months now. Being beaten and tortured. While getting beaten Rach sees Ryan and tries to over to him, but he is taken away. She made a promise to him and herself that she will get him out of there.~

*End of recap*

Harry pov

  It's been months since I last saw my sister and brother. I have gave up. I wouldn't say I gave up on them, but on hope. The FBI have been collecting evidence since they came, but that's not enough. Rachel and Ryan are out there somewhere being tortured and even beaten. God only knows.

I know that one day that she  and Ryan will be home with me. When that comes I will never let them out of my sight again. "Harry they want to come down to the station." said Mum walking out of the green room and into living room.

My mind wonders and I walking out of my house with Mum. We made a quick stop to get Gemma then we head for the station.  "Why do they want us here?" question Gemma as we walked to the double doors of the police station. "I'm not sure I just got a call from Agent Prentiss saying  that she need to talk to us." Mum said as we stepped inside.

"Right this way."  said Agent Prentiss guiding us into a conference room with glass walls where another agent  awaits us. "We have a lead on where Rachel and Ryan maybe." The tech analyst Garcia said typing on her computer. Once she was done a map came up on the smart TV that hung on the wall.

A red dot flash signaling where my siblings maybe. "How is that even possible?" I question aloud. "Well, who ever took your siblings didn't think to lose Y/N phone." said Garcia. "We have agents going there now." Agent Prentiss said.

"Now all we have to do is be patient." Mum said being the only one that spoke out of all of us.

Rachel pov

  I made them dinner. I cleaned after them. They beat me and raped me. And all for some stupid debt my parents owed them. I took the double of everything. I couldn't bear seeing my baby brother getting beaten everytime he did something wrong.

"We will be back whore." Doug said. I have been here so long that I knew all of there names. "Oh and don't think we will make it easy. Sam will be here to watch you." Doug said as he walked over to me. Sam. Sam was the nicest out of all of them.

He would sneak me extra food and water if he thought I needed it, but I would just give it all to Ryan. The night Blake tried to rape me and I fought they beat me he was there to stop them.

He sat at the table across from Ryan who was colouring. I looked down at him. His brown hair is now on his shoulders. He as a few cuts on his face here and there, but nothing to major. "Hey bitch I'm starving. Make me something good to eat." He said bitterly. "Yes." "Yes what? You stupid bitch." He said. I screamed as he pulled my by my hair which caused Ryan to jump.

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