Girls Night Out Part 1

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Harry ~age 23~


    Every Saturday night my friends Melody Kate, London and I go out for a girls night out. Where we go to the fancy restaurant and talk about our week. I'm now up stairs going my hair which early today I dyed red. I straighten the last of my hair then slipped on my pumps.  Once I was done I began to walk down stairs. I walked into the living area to let Harry know that I was leaving. "You look beautiful love." Harry said. "Thanks bro." I said. "Are you about to leave?" He asked as he walked into the kitchen. "Yes, and I'll will be back around 11." I said walking into the foyer with Harry behind me. "Have fun love." He said as I opened to be greeted by Louis,Niall,and Liam. "Hey Guys, bye guys."  I said walking out passed them. "Hey Y/N, Bye Y/N." They said. I got in my car and started the restaurant. Once I was there I walked inside and walked to our table to wait on Mk and London.

Melody Kate POV

      "London hurry, Y/N is waiting for us to come." I said walking into her house. "I'm Ready." She said walking down stairs in a white dress. "Let's go." I said getting into my car and started it. Now to meet up with Y/N. 10 minutes Later we arrived at the restaurant where we are taken to our table where Y/N is Waiting. We greeted her with hugs and than we sat down. After we order we talked for awhile then our food came out. We ate and sipped on champagne. Once we were done we left a tip and I might have left Y/N number Because the waiter was flirting with her.

London POV

I have notice it all night how the waiter was flirting with Y/N so when she got up I told Mel and she said that should do something. Now I'm in the car with Mk as we just left the  restaurant and we are on our way to Y/N and Harry's shared house. Once we made just walked in to the lads playi g FIFA. "Did you girls have fun?" Harry asked. "Yes, someone maybe had a little to much fun." I said smirking at Mel. "Yeah like what?" Niall asked taking his eyes off the TV. I just nod. We stayed there a couple more minutes then we left. When I got home I walked upstair took a bath took my make up off then got in bed ready for next Saturday.

Y/N pov

  Once the girls left I walked up stair took my make up off bathe then got in bed. I turned my TV on and watch re runs of the Fresh Prince Bel- Air. I got a text to my phone on the last episode from an unknown number. I opened it quickly and it read. 'Hey I'm Liam the waiter from tonight your friends gave me your number.'  The are so dead but in a cool way.

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