Stood Up Pt.2

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Harry ~age 17~

Y/N Pov

It been months since that asshole Tom stood me up. It hurt me I will admit, but you learn to move on fast. Now it prom and Stacey and I have to go prom dress shopping.

Unfortunately Harry couldn't make it because of his tour so Gemma and Mum promised to FaceTime him as Stacey and I both try on dresses. "Y/N are almost ready we have to go and get Stace?" Mum question walking into my room. "Yes let's go." I said fixing my shirt as we walked out the door.

We joined Gemma in her car as we drove to Stace house. Gemma honked her born twice and Stacey came out the door with one shoe on. "Hey Gem, hi Aunt Anne." Stacey said. Stacey and I have been friends since we where little She practically lives at my house. So my family is her family and vice versa.

"Hey Stacey." They said in unison as we started to the dress boutique. Once we made it we got out of the car and walked inside. "I'm so excited we have so many dresses to pick from." I said as we walk inside the boutique. I'm in, awe each dress is so beautiful in know this is gonna be very hard.

"Hello I'm Noelle and I will be assisting you both with your dresses." said the beautiful girl came to us. "We have many styles that you can choose from. So who all us getting a dress?" She questions. "We are." Stacey and I said in unison. "Okay follow me." "Good luck girls." Mum said from one of the chairs as we walked to the fitting room.

Gemma Pov

I sat in the show area with mum waiting for the girls to come back. "Are you going to call Harry and tell him that the girls in the fitting room?" Question Mum. "I texted him, he should be on his way." I said looking over at mum.

Not even 5 seconds later Harry walks through the door. "Where is she?" He asked walking over to us. "Their in the back getting dressed." Mum said. "Excuse me the girls are ready to show their dresses." said Noelle walking back into the showing area. And show the girls came out in beautiful dresses.

Harry Pov

I watched as the girls came out in their dress and smiled. Y/N didn't even take her eyes of the floor to realize I was even there. She always feel self conscious about stuff like this. "You girls look amazing." Mum said. I just stayed quite until she looked up.

"I didn't Mum I fill weird in this dress." She said fixing it around her chest area. "Yes the top to mine is a little loose." Stacey said. "I thought you said you were gonna FaceTime Harry Gemma , I
need to know what he thinks also." Y/N said. "Well I think you look amazing. " I said causing them both to look over at me. "Harry I thought you were still on tour." Y/N said stepping of the step to hug me. "Well i had a little break after finishing the European tour." I said as she let me go.

"Well let's get you back in so we can find another dress." Noelle said holding the door open for them to walk in.

*Prom Time*

Stacey Pov

It's prom night. The night Y/N and I have been waiting for since the beginning of our junior year. "Stace and Y/N hurry you're gonna be late if you two take any longer up there!" Harry yelled us. "Coming!" we yelled back down.  After adding some finishing touches we walked down stairs to see all our family standing there.

"Wow, you both look good." Mum said. "Thank you." Y/N said. "Okay,okay pose it's time for a picture." Helen Harry's tour photographer said. Y/N and I posed for a couple of picture. Then us in a group photo with everyone else. Then finally one of us with Helen which Haz room.

We said our goodbyes now it's off to prom for the time of our life.

Y/N Pov

  After laughing and I dancing with Stacey and some of our friends and now it's time for our slow dance. I sat at the table as Stacey went to dance with her girlfriend Natalie.  I smiled as they kissed each other. "Hey, Y/N I seen sitting alone so came to ask you dance." Tom said coming over to me.

"No thanks, my date just went to the rest room he'll be back at any minute." I said looking up at him. Truth was my date did walk to the rest room. "Come Y/N, you dont have to pretend to have a date to get back at me because of what happened at Stacey's summer fling." "I'm my not lying to you don't want me. And speaking of my date there he is." I said as Adam walked over to us.  "Sorry, babe let's dance yeah?" Question Adam. "Yeah. Oh and Tom karma is a bitch isn't she?" I said before walking off with my now boyfriend.

He didn't want me and now I'm gone. Oh what a shame baby now I'm grown.

 Oh what a shame baby now I'm grown

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