I'm Back

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Harry ~age 19~

Y/N Pov

   I awoke beside Zayn, not even thinking that my brother, his formal band member, is downstairs. I just stared at his face, barely noticing he shifted and opened his gorgeous brown eyes.

"Good morning, doll." Zayn said, sitting up and looking around.

"Yes, you are still in my room. And Harry doesn't know." I smile and his hand under the covers. "When are we going to tell him about us?" Zayn literally jump out of his skin.

"Never. Y/N, you know we can't tell him he would kill us both. " "Can we at least try?" I asked now walking into the bathroom and doing my daily routine. "We can,but we both know how that would turn out."  I  said walking out into my room to put on my shoes. "Th-" Zayn started, but was cut off by a knock on the door. "Y/N breakfast is ready." Harry said from the other side of the door. "I'll detract him and you go out the front door." I said before kissing his lips and walking out of the door so Zayn leave.

Zayn POV

   I wait in Y/N room as she walked down stairs with Harry. I slipped on my shoes as I got a text to my phone. 'We are in the kitchen  you  can leave and see you later for out date'  I read then I walked out the door and down the street to my car. I quickly texted Y/N to tell her that I'm in my car  leaving and that I will see her tonight for our date. I drove until I came to a stop at my London home. I walked inside. I sat in the couch and turned on the TV until it was time for our date.

Harry POV

  Lately Y/N has been in her phone and going out a lot. I'm not complaining but I feel that she is hiding something from me. "Harry can I go out with a friend tonight?'' She asked before taking a bite from her pancake. "Yes,but I want you home before 11." I said. After we finished eating we walked into the living area to watch TV. I flipped through the channels until I came across a good movie. Half way into the movie Y/n giggled. I paused and turned to where she is sitting. "What is up with you?" I questioned. "What do you mean?"  "I mean all the giggling and always smiling down at your phone." I said. "It's nothing really, just trust me I have to go get ready I'll see you later.'' She said before rushing upstairs. I have to see what is going on with her.

Y/N pov

   I quickly rushed upstairs to got ready. I want to tell harry, but I can't. I grabbed my dress and my pumps then walked into the bathroom to bathe and get ready. Once I was done i did my make up and hair then I text Zayn. Once I got a reply I walked down stair informed Harry that I was gone then I walked out and up the road to Zayn's car.

Harry pov

  I watched  from the foyer window as she walked out the house and up the road. Why would her friend not park in front of the house to get her, but  instead her friend park down the road. I'm not going to worry much maybe Y/N wanted them to wait there. I walked into the kitchen to get a bottle of water then back to the living area to continue the movie I am watching. Right at the good part my started to ring. "This is Harry." "Where is Y/N right now?" Louis asked through the phone. "Out with some friends. Why?" "That's what you think, the lads and I are on our way.'' Was all Louis said  before hanging up. Confused I put down my phone and turned off the tv ready to hear what the lads have to tell me.

Zayn pov

  What better way to tell Harry  like that. I seen Louis and the rest of the lads just across the way from the restaurant we are going to be at, but I didn't tell Y/N. I seen them pull off as we both were seat at our tables. "So how did you get out the house?" I questioned to make small talk as we wait for our food. ''I told Harry that I was going out with afraid,but i would have to be at home by 11.'' She said as the waiter put our food on the table. Let's see how this night will unfold.

Louis pov

  "Louis slow down mate.''Niall said as i pulled  into Harry's park way fastly. I turned off the car and quickly ran inside. ''What's going on mate?''  
"Your sister, our precious Y/N is on a date with Zayn!" I literally yelled in his face. "That can't be true." I said. "Well it is we have pictures for proof." Liam said and I pulled out my phone to show Harry the pictures. I let him scroll until he came to the last picture of them kissing. "We have to make a plan." Harry said. "And I have the perfect one." I said and started to tell them.


   We are in the middle of our date and I can stay that it is amazing. "So I think we should tell Harry about us." He said out of the blue. "Really?" I asked. All he did was nod. We laughed and talked for awhile until someone I never thought I see again came over and empty a plate of pasta on Zayn's head. "Let's go Y/N and you too pretty boy." I got up and follow with zayn right Behind me.  He got in his car I walked to Harry's knowing what will happen next

Harry POV

  I waited patiently with the para until Y/N AND Zayn walked through the door. "So you decided to date behind my back?" I asked. "Wanted to tell you,  but  I was afraid." Y/N said. "I'm not mad at that I'm just still bitter about Zayn leaving the band." Louis said with his folding his arms across his chest. "Yeah, why did you leave any way?" Niall asked. "I don't know." "Wait I'm confused your not mad that zayn and I dated vehind your backs, but at the fact he left the band?" Y/N question. "Yep."  The ladsa and I said in unison. "I'm going to bed this is two much." Was all she said before walking g up to her room.

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