Horan and Mendez

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Harry ~age 22~

Y/N Pov

   I can't believe that they are seeing who I would fall for first. All the time we spent together and  it was all for some stupid bet. How do I know? You may ask. Well the story begins like this.

*Two Day Ago*

Y/N Pov

  Today I will be visiting one of my close friends Shawn Mendes.  It's been awhile since I last saw him. So I decide to pay him a visit. I just pulled into the lot of the huge arena where he will be performing tonight.  I killed the engine of the car got my phone and quickly texted Shawn. 'Hey, Shawn I'm right outside the arena." "Ok I'll meet you at the back door where the security is  stand."

I grabbed my purse from the passenger seat and walked over to where the security stand in front of the door. As I walk I seen Shawn walk out of the door. I ran over to him an hugged. "Hey beautiful."  He said picking me up off the ground spinning me around. "Hey handsome, I missed you." I giggle as he put me as my feet hit the ground. "Let's go love so we can catch up with each other." He said taking my hand in his as we walked back to his dressing room to catch up.

Shawn Pov

  After catching up and joking around with Y/N  It it was final time for me to go on stage. After performing all my hit songs and doing some covers of some Niall songs. I walked back stage to talk my manager and the crew of the tour.

Once I was done I walked back to talk to Y/N. When I enter the dressing room I looked at Y/N and she looked confused and hurt. "What's wrong Y/N?" I question sitting down down beside her trying to pull her close  to me, but she only pushed me away.

"I came all this way to visit you and Niall Fucking Horan have a bet going to see who I will fall for first.  I came to show support for you and this is how you repay me." She said. "Y/N please just let me ex-" I started but she cut me off. "No I'm leaving. Bye Shawn." She said walking out of the door.

I pulled at my at my hair in frustration and groan. I got my phone and quickly ranged Niall to let him know he is in deep shot.

*Back to Present Day*

Y/N Pov

   So after that I made a little play to prove to them both that I'm not just some object that they can make a bet on. So I made dinner and sat the table for 3. See the I text the both of them separately telling them that I forgave them both and that to make up I was making dinner. I told them not to tell each other.

After I was done with everything was  down I got dressed and walked back down stairs to wait for my dates.  I can't  wait to see the reaction on there face. Played on my phone until a knock came on the door.

Niall Pov

  I quickly got dressed when I got Y/N text message. After I was dress I drove to her house  since I was already in town. I fixed my shirt before knocking on her door. "Hey Ni." She said opening the door so I could walk in fully. "Hey love." I said taking off my shoes. "Umm, you can go in the dining room I'll be there in a sec." Y/N walking into the the kitchen.

  When I walked inside I seen the table sat for three people Harry must be joining us. I texted on my phone as I wait for Y/N. "Niall we have a special guest. " Y/N said walking in with Shawn right behind her. "Umm, Y/N thought you it was just gonna It was just gonna be us?" Shawn question.

"Well since you both wanted to see who I would fall for first this is a dinner to tell you both that I'm not an item that you can fight over and I love you both equally so I'm not gonna have you fighting over me and I'm not gonna choosing between you so no." I said before placing the salad by the home made pizza.

"We're both sorry, Y/N and we both promise to never make a get bet against you again. " I said taking a slice a of pizza. "Wait you both  what?" Oh no. "Your both dead." Harry said. "Haz it's okay they're fine." Y/N said while sitting across from me. Thank the heavens for her.

A/N: Sorry I know the ending  sucks, but I promise better ones are in the works.

~All the love~ Jasmine

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