Slumber Party Part2

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Harry ~age 19~

Harry pov

I just got a call from the lads say that Y\N as been kidnapped. I told them that it was just a prank, so now here they are in the game room as we plan to take the girls out one by one. "So this what we will do." I said as I began to tell tie lads my plan.

Y\N pov

The girls and I are lying on the floor watching Ouija Origin Of Evil when the power went out. "What the hell." Gracie said as a loud bang came from up stairs. "Harry?!" I yelled. Nothing. I grabbed my phone from the coffee table and put the flashlight and the girls did the same. We walked up stairs. "Harry!" I yelled as I walked into his room his window was open. I walked over to the and a body was laying on the ground. "Oh..My..God." I said and the girls came running. "How did this happen?" Makayla question. "I'm not sure,but we have to go find some one to help us." Jojo said as we walked out of the room. When we made it to the stairs someone was standing there with all black on. "Run!" Maya said and we all turned and ran down the hallway. We ran down the other set of stairs and to the living room. Standing by the TV is a clown. "No tell me that's not a clown." Misty said with fear in her voice. "Yes Y\N I'm scare." Jojo said as the clown came closer. "Lets ride." I said grabbing my keys and running to the door. "Y/N you're stepping in b-blood." Hazel said with a shaky voice.  I looked down to see Harry lying there. "Oh no." I said dropping down to my knees and holding his head in my hands. "Harry please stay with me, Hazel go and call an ambulance." I said. She nodded and the girls ran back into the house with her. I can't live with out you harry.

Liam pov

That's my que. I pulled into the park way to see Y\N on the porch with Harry I hoped out of the car and ran over to them. "What did you do?" "I didn't do anything the girls and I were just watching a movie when the power went out and a loud noise  came from upstairs then we heard him screaming so we went up there his window was open,so here we are now my brother is dying. " She said with tear now forming in her eyes.  "Y\N Misty as disappeared." Maya said running to the door. "What have you checked everywhere in the house?" Y\N question. Maya nodded her head. "Guys another problem the phone cord has been cut and our phones just have no power." Jojo said as the rest of them walked outside. "Here you girls and Liam go help find Misty and ill stay out here with Harry." Y\N said while taking off her pajamas top and putting it over him. I quickly gave her my jacket to put over her then I ran in the house.

Niall pov

I just took  Misty I have her tied up in the extra empty room on Harry's house. I got a text from Liam saying that they are walking up the stairs that I should be in the dinning room a and Louis should be in Y\N's room I quickly got my fake knife with Harry's "blood'' on it and ran down stairs. "You Jojo and Hazel take up stairs and the rest of us will take down here." Liam said. The girls quickly ran up stairs. I got down beside the refrigerator and held up my knife and waited for one of the girls to walk by. It's show time baby.

Louis pov

I walked into Y\N room and stood on her closet and waited for one of the girls to check it. "Jojo this really starting to freak me out." Hazel said. "You, me next time we have one of this its gonna be at my place." Jojo said. "Here, You check her bathroom and I'll  check the closet." Hazel said. I heard footage steps going in to different direction.  I wait for her to open the door then I grabbed her and cover her mouth. Three down two too go.

Harry pov

I lay here and listen to Y\N say how much she's gonna miss me. This is just all a cruel joke planned by me to get back her for her cruel joke,but they have to learn a lesson.. I hear Makayla say Y/N this is getting bad the neighbors have called the cops and they are on the way.

30min later

The "police" have arrived and have taking the girls away for "murder" lets see how long the last.

Y/N pov

We all got in the police car and now we age on our way to the station to get booked. "My dad is gonna kill me." Gracie said. "Don't worry you like where your going."  The officer said turning the car around and heading back in the direction of my home. "What the hell this isn't the way to the prison." Jojo said. We pulled in the parkway to she all the boys, Hazel, Misty, and Maya standing there with big standing  their face.  The "cop" hoped out and let us out. "You fucking bastard. " I said running over to Harry hugging him. I let him. "Promise me you'll never prank call again?" "I promise Hazza." I said letting go of him. "Hey look at the girls." He said pointing over to them. We laughed at them yelling at the lads for pranking us. Never having a slumber party at my house again.

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