Stood Up

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Harry ~age 16~

Y/N pov

Tonight is the night of the Summer fling dance that my friend Stacey host every year and my I got asked by my crush to be his date. I sat at my make up stand as Gemma worked on my hair. "This dance is going to be amazing." I said with excitement. "I don't know if it's because your going with crush or just excited to be with your friends again." She said finishing my hair. "A little bit of both,thanks Gems." I said getting up and hugging her. " No, problem love." She said as we both walked down to to where Mum and Harry awaits us. "Wow,you look amazing." Harry said as mum snapped several pictures of me. "Have fun tonight baby-sis." Gemma said fixing my hair once more before I left. "Be safe she you later tonight." Mum said kissing my forehead. "See you guys later." I said walking out the door and down to Stacey's house where her brother will be driving us to the building that her parent's Own, to a roof party. "Stace are you ready?" I asked walking inside her house. "Just finished up." She walking down stairs in a light pink rumper with her hair curled and natural make up. "You look amazing." I said as she walked down the stairs. "Thanks, Brad will drive us there and Tom will met you at the party." She said. As if right on que Brad honked the horn. Stacey locked up everything the. we left for the party. Brad will be there to "watch over" us. 30 minutes later we are at the building and taking the elevator to the roof-top we stepped off the elevator to people already there talking and dancing. "I'm going to get a drink be on the look out for prince charming." Stace said running off to the drink table. I smiled at her comment and went over to talk to Monica and Eric. "So are you ready to see Tom?" Eric asked. "Yes, a little." I said feeling my cheek getting warm. "Aww, look she blushing." Monica said pinching my cheek. Minutes passed and Tom still hasn't showed up. I dance and talked some more of the guest at the party until I see Tom. He made eye contact with me and I smiled. He held the door open a little longer and a beautiful blonde girl walks through the door. I can feel the tears weld in my eyes, not waiting to cry because of my surroundings I walked over to Stacey to tell her I was Leaving not realling wanting to be here anymore. "Hey Stace, I had fun, but I'm not feeling to well." I lied not wanting to tell her the truth. "Okay love, I hope you feel better." She said. "Bye." I said kinda happy she believed my lie. I walked to the elevator Calling an uber and going home this has been the worst night ever.

Stacey POV

I'm going to fucking kill Tom. I walked over to where he stands with his new "fling". "What the hell is wrong with you?" I question pulling him to the side. "What are you talking about?" He asked smirking. "Don't play with me. You know that Y/N likes you and was looking forward to dance and talked with you, but you just fucking crushed her by lying to her then you show up with her. Leave and don't come back you fucking jerk!" I yelled at him. After this I'm going to talk to Y/N.

Harry POV

I sat in the living room with m
Mum and Gemma watching some random chick flick ontv when the door open and sniffles coming from the foyer. Mum plaused the movie and called Y/N name. "I'm fine Mum." She said, but we could clear tell that she was crying. "I'll go check on her." I said walking upstairs to her room, but she wasn't in there so I checked the bathroom to see her crying sitting of the to the toilet. "Boy problems?" "Yeah." She said with a sad smile. I gave her a tissue and sat on the side of the bathrub. "He brings an I the girl to the dance and smiled in my face. It really hurts Haz." She said through tears. "Hey don't cry his not worth your tear, always remember karma's a bitch. Now how about you go change and met me, mum, and Gems downstairs and you and I can cuddle and watch an movie. Yeah?" "i would like that." She said sniffling once more before getting up and we both walked out and she walked to her room. I told mum and Gemma what happened. After Y/N was changed put in Keeping Up With The Joneses.


I'm really glad that Harry could help me with this. I know that he as already told Mum and Gemma about so they will probably talk to me in the morning.

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