Marriage Pt2

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Harry ~age 26

6 months later

Y/N pov

Y/N pov

It's been 6 months since Niall's and I wedding day and six months since I told everyone about the pregnancy and six month after our family honeymoon to Disney Parks Niall, Harry and I just say around the house from bad Jetlag. Here I am six months later after the honey moon on my way to the hospital for my check up and to find out the gender of our baby. "Are you excited Niall?" I questioned eyes still focus on the road. "Yes and a tad bit nervous." Niall said. "Why is that?" I asked. "Because what if I'm not a good father or when I'm home in tour and leave you guys all alone and not be there to kiss both of you good night." Niall admits. "Niall don't say that we will love you no matter what you do are where you go in these world." I said as we pulled into the park way of the hospital. I killed the engine we got out and went inside the building I signed in and wait for my doctor to see me.

Niall pov

I sat nervously in operating room. "Niall honey your saking." Y/N said taking my hands in hers. "Sorry Y/N,just a little nervous to see the baby." I said. "Okay this my be a little cold Mrs.Horan." The doctor then put the gel on her baby bump. Soon enough a small figure came onto the screen. "There is your health baby." The doctor said moving the thing around Y/N stomach. "Wow,he or she is so big." Y/N said. "Wow,that's our baby." I said. "Yes Ni that's our baby." She said holding into my hand. "Are you ready to know the gender of your baby?" She asked. "Yes please." Y/N and I said at the same time. "Congrats your have a baby boy." She said. "There we have it we are having an baby boy." I said to Y/N helping her up. We walked out of the building hand in hand to be meet by paps and fans we ran to the car and drove home safely.

At home

Harry pov

"Okay guys we have something to tell you." Niall said sitting beside Y/N and taking her hand. "We have found out the gender,but we have decided that we are gonna what to tell you with a good game of baseball." Niall said. "Baseball?" I questioned clearly confused of why the want to tell us about the gender through baseball. "Just want it'll be fun." Y/N said with that famous Styles smirk. This Is gonna be a long wait.

 This Is gonna be a long wait

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