I Told You So

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Harry ~age 26~

  Who would have ever thought that three years after my little sister got married I would be in the same place as her. My mind went back to that day.

I stood at the back of the car that my sister and her new husband sat in. She sat on the back of the convertible with the bouquet of flowers and a huge smile on her face. All the women stood together ready  to catch them.

I stood in the mist, not really wanting to be out there. I prayed to Heaven that I didn't catch them. Stories have been told when a young woman catch a bouquet of flowers at a wedding she is next to be wedded.

Three. Two. One. There they go off in the air. All the girls came in close I felt the soft fabric around them. No. Maybe it just brushed against my fingers. Once the girls cleared none of them had it. Me.

I looked up a Y/N with huge eyes as she smiled with a thumbs up. Then slide into the seat of the Maybach off the reception.

"Gemma?" Y/N queation pulling me out of my deep thoughts.

"Oh sorry, what did you say?" I looked at her.

"How do we all look?" She question as all of my close friends stepped in.

"Wow, amazing." I said with a smile.

"Look at you." said Y/N hugging me.

"I'm so happy for you. Asher is the luckiest man in the world." She said brushing hair from my face.

"Gemma, Iconic Flims are hear to take the pictures now."

I just nod my head. I we took a couple of pictures then it was time for the wedding.

Y/N pov

  Gemma began to get nervous and gave her hand a little squeeze and a reinsuring smile.

I let go of her hand when Ericc came to take mine. We walked down the else after Asher's brother and his wife.

I smiled at him then let go of his hand. Then in came the flower girls.

I stood and waited for my older sister to come down the aisle in her beautiful white dress. I looked at Asher there he stood with both his and my brother behind him as his best men with a smile plastered on his face.

I turned back to the opening to see my sister standing there with a smile on her face.

She walked down the aisle in slow steps. The veil covered her prefectly framed face.

Gemma finally came to the alter. She gave me her bouquet then turned to Asher.

*Skipping to the reception*

Harry pov

  I smiled as Gemma dance to Prefect by Ed Sheeran. "Looks like your next big brother." said Y/N standing next to me with my nephew in her arms.

"Looks like it." I said looking at her with a smile as Tom began to cry.

"Here let me have him." I said taking him in my arms. "It's okay Tommy uncle Harry as you." I said bouncing him.

After the song Gemma came over to me and Y/N. "Well, your next little bro." said Gemma with a smirk.

"I don't know. I prefer the single life. You know, the thing that you'll never experience again." I laughed and hugged her.

My big sis is all grown up. Marrying the guy of his dreams. Both of them.

"You never know. I said I wouldn't get married, but here I am. Ready to live the rest of my life with the man I love." She mumbled into my shoulder.

"I don't care how much you love him," I started, "If he hurts you, he'll walk out this marriage with no teeth and swollen eyes. Trust me." I let go of her and giving Tom back to Y/N.

"I love you." Gemma said.

After our little moment, we danced the night way.

Well, they danced the night away. I was too busy talking to the bartender, Miranda Lopez.

Oh, shit. Maybe Gemma is right.

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