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Harry ~age 19~

Harry pov

Coughing, sneezing, stuffy nose, and vomiting. All signs of a sickness. I lay in bed unable to do anything for myself. My hole body aches and I can't eat anything.

"How are you feeling big brother?" Y/N asked stepping into my room with a platter. "Like someone ran me over, over and over again." I said with a chuckle.

"Well, I brought you some soup, apple juice, and a banana." said Y/N sitting on my bed. "You made chicken soup?" "Yes, I called and got the receipt from Mum." She said with a smile. Y/N has been taking care of me since I came down with this illness.

"Do you want me to do the plane noise with spoon?" said Y/N with a smirk. "No, I don't need you to make the plane noise I can feed myself." I said in a mocking tone. "Just eat." chuckle Y/N.

Every second Y/N whipping sweat from my forehead. Once I was done she took everything back down stairs came back up with medicine. "Don't you have plans tonight?" I question as she pours the purple liquid on the spoon.

"No, I cancelled. Do you think I was going to leave you here sick by yourself." "Yes, because your only 19 once."  "Harry I can always go again it doesn't matter now open up."

I opened my mouth and Y/N put the medicine in. I hated taking this stuff. It was the worst kind to take.  "Here drink." She said handing my another cup of apple juice.

Y/N pov

  After giving Harry the apple juice I turned his TV on. "What do you want to watch?" "Umm, can we watch Men In Black." I nodded my head then put the movie on.

I fix his pillows so he could see the TV just perfectly. "Do you need anything?" I question standing by the door. Harry shook his head. 

I walked down stairs to put away everything and clean the kitchen. After sparrying the counter down and whipping everything down. I walked back up to Harry's room.

I smiled as I walked into see him asleep. I turned off his TV and walked down stairs to FaceTime Mum.

I sat on the couch in the living room as the phone rang. After the second ring Mum finally picked up.

"Hi Mum." I said waving into the camera. "Hey love.  How is everything?" She question happily. "Good, Haz is asleep. How are you?"

After talking to Mum for a bit I like on the couch just watching some random TV show. I laughed at the joke that was made, when I sneezed. Oh no. I just a sneezed Y/N there is nothing to worry about.

* Days later*

Harry pov

  I brought Y/N some home made chicken soup as she lie on the sofa. "How are you feeling baby sister?" I question sitting down the hot bowl in the coffee table to help her sit up.

"Like shit." She said before coughing. "Well here eat." I said sitting the stray of food in her lap. "Do you want me to do the plane noise with spoon?" I asked laughed.

"Do you want me to do the plane noise with spoon? No I can feed myself." Y/N said mocking me.  "By the way, I never thanked you for taking care of me." "You didn't need to thank me for doing this it what siblings do." Y/N said after taking a sip of her grape juice.

"Aww look at my wittle baby." I said with a smile.

"Don't make me sneeze on you, alien." She replied, ready to sneeze.

I quickly ran out the room. I heard her small chuckle.

I love that girl.

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