Meeting Brendon Urie

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Harry ~age 12~

Harry pov

So Y/N  birthday is March 19 and I have a birthday gift for her. I'm taking her to a Panic At the Disco concert. I know how much so loves this one man band. That's the perfect birthday present for a 13 year old fangirl. We leave tomorrow for America,but she doesn't know that. I got mum and Gemma to pack her bag whilst she was at school our flight leaves a 2am because we will be on for ten hours and six minutes. The concerts in Boise, Idaho that's why it is that long of a flight. I have brought her a new phone, laptop and, books to keep her quit so she want ask questions about where we are going. I sat here in the leaving area waiting for her to come from school. Not even 30 minutes later she comes walking through the door with her Panic at the Disco shirt,  ripped jeans, and a panic at the disco phone case.  ''Hey, Harry." She said sitting on the couch beside me. "Hey,love." I said. ''What's new?" She said.  "Well, I have to take a trip to the states  for two Weekd and I can't leave you home alone so you're coming with me your stuff is already packed and in the car." I said not wanting  to give out to much info.  "When do we leave?" She asked. "In two hours." I said before she walked up to her room.


I walked up to my room to call Y/B/F/N. "Hey Y/N/N what's up?" She asked. "Hey I will be gone for two weeks from shcool. Can you please collect all my work for me?" I asked. "Yeah sure,oh Haz invited me over for dinner so I'll be over on ten minutes." She said before hanging up. I walked back down stair,but stopped at the bottom of the stairs when I hearing Harry talking on the phone. "Yes, we will be in Bosie on possibly ten hours OK thank you." He said before hanging up the phone. I wonder who he was n the phone. I was brought out of my thoughts by Jade bursting through the door. "Honey I'm home!!" She yelled closing the door.  I hugged her as she came through the door. "It hasn't even been that long." She said as we joined Harry in the dining area.  "So I talked to your Mum, Y/B/F/N about letting g you come to the states with me and Y/N." Harry said. "What did she say?" Y/B/F/N asked happily. "She said that you could join us." Harry said. We both screamed in excitement. "We leave tomorrow at 5am." I said giving them their food. We ate and talked for awhile before I sent them off to bed. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.

*The next day & Skipping the flight*

Harry pov

We are sitting the living area of my hotel room. "Are we in trouble?" Y/N asked. Early on the flight the girl went to the pilot pit of the plane and I told them that it was very dangerous to go inside while the pilot is flying the plane. "Yes and no." I said. "Then why are we in here?" Y/B/F/N Question. "Because I have a superise for you girl." I said walking out of the room with a huge smile on my face.


"What do you think it is?" Y/B/F/N questions. "I have no idea." I said. Soon a Harry walks back intot he room. "OK, coe on out." Harry said and soon Brendon Urie walks out.
Y/B/F/Band scream to the top of our longs. "Well, I heard from a little birdy that Y/N birthday is today do I'm inviting you guys to join my at my show tonight. What do you say?" He asked holding ticket. All I could nod I'm speechless. Brendon had to leave early to get ready for the show I guess we could the same.

Harry POV

I the look on their face was the best. We are currently on our way to the arena that Brendo will be preforming at. Once we got there I killed the engine and we hopped out and walked into the building. We tons of screaming fans wait for Panic at the Disco. "Thank you so much Harry this is the best birthday ever." Y/N said hugging me. The show began and I watch as she and Y/B/F/N danced to LA devotee, Death of a bachelor,Don't threaten me with a good time and sing to this is Gospel. I'm glad that I made her happy with this gift.

A/N: Happy birthday to my sister @aliciastylx. This BSM is for her.

~All the love~
Your sister Jasmine

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