He Likes Her More Pt2

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Harry ~age 17~


It's been 3 three since I left home. I found a place to stay for a couple a miles away from the school. I have been avoiding Cassidy everyday the only time she sees me is at pep rallies. I'm currently at Starbucks drinking a pumpkin spice latte and going through my friends snap stories when some one clears their throat. I looked up from my phone to see Liam, Niall, and Louis. "Please don't ask to me to go back home." I said putting my attention back on my phone. "And why not?'' Niall asked. ''Because Harry never believes anything I have to say, everything  is always about Cassie.''.  "Why not talk to him about it?" Louis asked adjusting himself in the sit.  ''You don't think I've tried. Every time I tried tot talk to him he would yell and say I was lying.'' I said now stand about to leave. ''Yeah, he doesn't know that.'' Niall said.  ''It's better that way. Oh and guys don't tell him you seen me here please.'' I said getting my latte and leaving them behind.

Harry pov

Three days since I seen my baby sister. I have been looking for her even asking people that she talks to. They said they haven't seen her nor talked to her in days. I'm just sitting in the living room texting her for the 100th time today, but still no reply. I really missed up this time. ''Harry, where are you?!" Louis yelled.  "In here!" I yelled signing. Soon all three of my mates walked in with smiles. ''Why the big smile?"  "Because we saw Y/N  today, but she told us not to tell you.'' Lou said sitting on the couch.  ''Wait, Why?'' I asked. '' 'Cause she doesn't want you to know." Niall said walking into the kitchen. ''Wow, Styles so full of question, but no.'' Liam said.  I just sat there no longer waiting to talk.''Harry don't you have that find my Iphone app?" Niall asked.  ''Yes, but what does that have to do with anything?" I asked.  ''Well you idiot you can track her phone with that app Einstein.'' Louis said. ''Why didn't I think of that in the first place.'' I said taking out my phone and going top the app. I quickly typed in her number. ''So here's the plan we go to where she is and I asked her to forgive me." I said. ''Sounds like a plan.'' Liam said. After the location loaded I got my keys and went to her friend Sarah's house. Her house is only a mile drive from my house. Once we got there I saw Cassidy and Sarah talking.  I got out and went up to them.  ''She'e not here?"  "No, but she left her phone.'' Cassidy said.  ''What time did she leave?" I asked.  ''30 minutes after she came from Starbucks.'' Sarah said. ''That Sarah.''  Cassie and I said as we both out to the park-way .  ''You know this is all your fault Harry.'' She said. ''Mine? No it's yours 'cause if you would have told the truth about everything my baby sister would be at home right now!" I yelled walking out to my car with her right behind me. ''Where is she?" Niall asked. ''Sarah said she left 30 minutes ago.'' I said now driving tot he police station. Where is my baby sister?

(To be Continued .....)

Happy Birthday to Louis William Tomlinson He's growing up so fast. I t just like yesterday he was on Xfactor. I love you so much. ~Fangirl Out~

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