Helping out a fan

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Harry ~age 22~

Y/N pov

Walking down the long streets of Dallas,Texas. Enjoying my time of sight seeing before I have to go back and help Harry with the meet and greet. I decide to spend some time at the park with what I had left. When I got there I took a sit on the bench to enjoy some sun. I put my shades over my eyes and close them.

"You weirdo Harry Styles will never notice you looking like that you fat freak!" Those word made my eye snap open. I look over to my right and there they were four girls bullying some one for liking my brother. I hear crying come from the person that they're standing around. "Some one likes us he's bound to notice we're flawless and did I mention skinny." I have heard enough I get up and make my way over to where they are standing.

"You know girls I'm pretty sure that Harry said treat people with kindness. And he loves you what ever sides and shape, race, or gender you come in and beauty doesn't matter he loves people for who the are on the inside not what they look like on the outside. I mean I should know because I am his sister." I said cause the girls to look at me with aww. "OMG your Y-" One of the bullies started off.

"Yes Y/N Styles and I think you owe the nice person an apology." said I causing the girls to step back. "We're sorry." They said before walking off. "Oh and girls I will be letting Harry know of this." I said making them look at each other.

"Hey love what's your name?" "Dylan Smith." said Dylan quietly as I sat under the tree along side her.

"Well, hello Dylan, I'm Y/N Styles. It's very nice to meet you." I said. "Nice to meet you too. Thank you for what you done just then." "It's nothing no one should make you feel bad about what you love. Who were those girls any way?" "Those girls are Ashton, Aimree, and Winter, they have bullied my for the longest and the worst part is they all use to be my friends. And here I am crying in front of my idols sister."

"No it's fine let it a out I don't mind." Pulling her in closer and rubbing her shoulder to clam her down. Once she was finally clam I stood from my spot under the tree with her and pulled her in for a hug. Once i pulled back and whipped the remain tears from her face. "Thank you Y/N."

"You're welcome love. Do you have tickets to the show tonight?" "No we could get them in time." replied Dylan. "Well your in luck I was suppose to give this ticket and backstage pass for a meet and greet back to Harry, but I kept them. You can have them it four so bring anyone you like. And speaking of the show I have to go the meet and greet starts in five minutes. Hopefully I will see you there. Yeah?"

"Yes, most definitely. Thank once again." Dylan said hugging me again. "You're welcome now go and I'll see you soon." I said before running off to my car which left 3 blocks away hopefully I'll make it in time for an change in my clothes.

Harry pov

"Good I thought forgot about this." I said as Y/N walk through the door. "No, I was helping out a fan who was being bullied." I said. "Tell me everything as you go in restroom to get dressed." I said pushing her off to change in one of the bathroom.

After she was done with the story and getting dressed I was so upset. Why do people do these things to hurt each other? Why don't we just get a long and love each as we should be loved? "

Well I'm glad you took up for her love. And will she be at the show tonight?"

"Yes, she would be here." said Y/N as we walked to the meet and greet room.

*An hour later*

After meeting with several group of girls and boys it final down to eight people. "Harry can I talk to you for just a sec?" question Y/N before the girls could get to me. "Those three girls that are in front are the girls I was telling you about." She said to me I nod my head and walked back over to them.

After taking pictures and signing the merch I smiled at them. "Remember girls treat people with kindness." I said before they walked off watching Y/N. "Dylan you made it." said Y/N walking over to the group of girls and hugging one of them. "Harry this is Dylan who I was telling you about."

"Hi Dylan, Y/N told me everything that happened and I'm so sorry." I said pulling her into a hug. After taking pictures with her and Y/N it was time for me to get ready for the show. "Enjoy the show Dylan." I said waving at her as she walked off.

I turned to Y/N an pulled her into a hug. "I'm so proud of you I will she after the show. Go met Dylan she can stop being so nevrous."

I'm so glad she stood up for Dylan.

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