Red Carpet Event

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Harry ~age 22~

Harry POV

Tonight Y/N asked me to be her date to her Red carpet event, for her new movie The Mummy I'm currently in at my house getting my hair done when I heard the door open and close. "Hey Harry." Y/N said. "Hey love I'll be ready in just a few seconds. "Don't worry I really want to wow the crowd." She said standing behind me. "Well why want you let me see you?" I asked. "Because I want to wow you too." She said laughing, I smiled and continued to get my hair did. After I was finished I got up and face my sister. "Wow, you look...beautiful." I said hugging her. "You look handsome." She said. "Shall we leave?" I asked sticking out my arm so she could loop hers with mine. "We shall."she said. We walked out to our awaiting car we got in and our left to the event began.


As we turned the corner too pull up to the red carpet I could here fans screaming from a mile a way. Once we stopped harry got out first and the crowd went wild. He held out his hands for me to take it I did and he pulled me out of the car. I gave the crown a wave then proceeded to walk the red carpet with my brother. I did some interviews when I got to my favorite one. "So Y/N what is your outtake on your brothers album?" "He worked really hard on it, I'm just so proud of him." "What is your favorite song on the whole album?" Umm, probably Sweet Creature." "Will you every babysit Bear Payne?" "Yes, definitely." "Next question, Are you looking forward to releasing your album next month and what is inspired by?" "Yes I am quite excited to release it, and it inspired by some personal experience and there will be some party songs on there so it won't be depression." "Last question, your fans have being dying to know are there any collabs on yourself titled album and if so who?" "Yes,One of the collabs is with Louis Tomlinson." "Wow, thank you Y/N enjoy yourself tonight and you look beautiful." "Thank you." After I was finished I catched up to harry who just finishing off his interview. "Are you ready for your movie premier?" He asked. All I did was nod a little nervous because all of my family and friends will be here see the movie.

*After The Movie*

Harry's POV

I watched as my sister walked around talking to her co-stars like Tom Cruise at the after party. She waved at my and I smiled. I can tell that her feet are starting to hurt. I walked over to her, and greeted everyone. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah, my feet hurt." She said giggling a little. "By the way, you killed in the movie." I said and she just hugged me. I'm so proud of her and her career.

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